Climate Action SIG Checklist
Climate Action SIG Checklist
Computer Architects Tasks:
Set up chat channel named #{sig-name}-sig (see HOWTO Create a Chat Channel)
- Add the Hyperledger Ecosystem team's point of contact as the owner of the channel
Set up mailing list named
(see HOWTO Create a Mailing List and HOWTO Add Moderator and/or Owner to Mailing List)- Add the SIG Chair as a moderator of the mailing list
- Add the Hyperledger Ecosystem team's point of contact as a moderator of the mailing list
Set up Wiki space
Edit the space permissions to provide View rights (and only view rights) to anonymous users.
- Label the page with
so that it shows up on the main page and project page automatically
- Add this wiki space to the "Groups" menu under SIG (see HOWTO Modify Top-Level Menu). Note: List is alphabetical.
Ecosystem Tasks:
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
- Make sure the SIG Chair has an LFID and has logged into lists.hyperledger.org at least once. (This is necessary to set them up on the mailing list).
Make sure the SIG Chair has logged into chat.hyperledger.org at least once and tell the CA team the username they use. (This is necessary for setting up the chat channel).Hyperledger now uses Discord for chat: https://discord.gg/hyperledger- Tell the CA team who is the SIG Chair and their email so they can add them to the mailing list
- Format Wiki space using Sample SIG Home Page
- Configure the sidebar on the space and remove the "Pages", "Blog", and "Space Shortcuts" sections by clicking on the `-` sign next to them until they appear as a `+` sign. Then save the changes.
Set up a section in your wiki space for your Meeting Notes and Zoom recordings
- Work with the SIG chair to determine a date/time for the WG meetings. Choose a time that does not conflict with other WG and/or project calls from the community calendar. Make sure they email the request to Community-architects@hyperledger.org
- Have the SIG chair send an invite to linuxfoundation.org_nf9u64g9k9rvd9f8vp4vur23b0@group.calendar.google.com and the new mailing list for the meeting
- Send out welcome email to the WG chair
- Work with the marketing team to add the working group to https://www.hyperledger.org/join-a-group
- Work with PR team to create a blog post
, multiple selections available,