2023-11-28 Contributor Call
2023-11-28 Contributor Call
- Housekeeping
- Antitrust notice - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- This meeting is being recorded
- Please Mute unless speaking
- If you have a question use the raise hand feature
- General Announcements
- Release process updates
- CI-CD changes from Consensys
- Release updates
- NOTE docs release process change for docusaurus - requires a PR (not just a github release)
- 23.10.2 is out - optional update
- Enterprise transaction pool & roadmap
- Matt Whitehead to add enterprise roadmap items to the main roadmap page
- Naming for pool
- Trusted? Permissioned?
- Sequential vs layered
- Using profiles - we can bundle in default pools with the work around Besu profiles to set sensible defaults.
- Action plan -
- Short term - new name for the legacy pool, update the documentation to address pool use-cases
- Long term - bundle the pools with default updates/profiles
- Work Updates
- Other Business
- Open Forum
- Future Topics
- /add item/
, multiple selections available,