2023-07-11 Contributor Call
2023-07-11 Contributor Call
(Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)
EMEA Friendly Time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230412T160000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)
- 9 am Tuesday Los Angeles time
- 12 am Tuesday New York time
- 18h Tuesday Paris time
- Housekeeping
- Antitrust notice - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- This meeting is being recorded
- Please Mute unless speaking
- If you have a question use the raise hand feature
- General Announcements
- Q2 Report submitted - https://github.com/hyperledger/toc/pull/133
- Release updates
- 23.4.4 - Bug fix release
- 23.7.0 - Upcoming (Burn-in Friday the 21st)
- New layered tx pool as the Mainnet default
- Running on production validators
- Bug fixes uncovered to be included in the 23.7.0 release
- Old pool could still be enabled
- Private networks → Default of 200 future tx by account was bumped to 500 in testing and didn't impact performance
- Avoiding any limit for local transactions (needs to be implemented) - might help with private network use-case.
- Another flag (default allow all?) that allows you to tune local transactions allowed in the pool
- BONSAI as default (need discovery)
- New layered tx pool as the Mainnet default
- Work Updates
- Discussion of consensus mechanism plug-ins/modularity →
- Modular Consensus - Working group / Approach
- Start with PoW?
- Setting meeting at the end of July for working group start → Matt N to share in #besu-contributors
- Matt N to send materials on Plug-In system to call participants (Nischal, George, Diego, Matt W, Justin F)
- Miro → https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMCPHPfg=/?share_link_id=795349574835 (Password: hyperledger)
- Modularity Review
- Modular Consensus - Working group / Approach
- Technical documentation requests →
- Plug-ins and new updates to the features → Matt N to create a page for plug-in system feedback and pain-points and details/tutorials/questions
- Any time we update the plug-in API, we need to make sure we bring this back to the documentation
- Need to make sure we are cataloging design goals and approaches
- Specification of interface between the plug-ins and Besu as we modify the code in the docs
- Trie-log shipping → Gary, Karim
- Need to place this back in the API docs
- EVM Library
- More
- Plug-ins and new updates to the features → Matt N to create a page for plug-in system feedback and pain-points and details/tutorials/questions
- Deprecation
✅ Future removal of the Forest world state pruning https://besu.hyperledger.org/en/stable/public-networks/reference/cli/options/#pruning-enabled
✅ Database version 0 - https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/5681
✅ GoQuorum Compatible Privacy - https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/5607
- Checker Framework
- https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/5536#discussion_r1247180442
- Opening a PR against Danno's EVM performance work to see the state of the EVM with these changes later on → Justin F
- Discussion of consensus mechanism plug-ins/modularity →
- Other Business
- REPEAT: RFC - Proposal: Avoid Cherry-Picked Releases - added Suggested Deprecation Policy
- Metrics Review - https://insights.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects/hyperledger%2Fbesu/dashboard;quicktime=time_filter_3Y
- Open Forum
- Performance Testing with Caliper - Web3Labs
- IBFT/QBFT testing, performance is not that great
- Ameziane & Nischal → to collaborate on Discord, Ameziane to provide advice on set-up and tests and review some results
- Block processing is done 3 times per block on QBFT networks → Ameziane POC https://github.com/ahamlat/besu/tree/cache-validation-block
- Performance Testing with Caliper - Web3Labs
- Future Topics
, multiple selections available,
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