2024 - 02 - 06
Attendance: 12 members
- Introductions
- Updates
- Architecture Decision Records
- Open Issues
- OEA outreach calls
- Work with the community to drive engagement and promote contributions
- First outreach call will happen on the 13th of Feb, 3PM UTC (same time as maintainer call)
- OEA Lab name change - why?
- Additional components will be move to HL
- “Restructuring” of repositories
- Rebranding of Atala - PRISM as we know it
- Submit ideas until 12th of Feb
- Node deployment documentation
- Link to ADR: https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/open-enterprise-agent/blob/main/docs/decisions/20240116-use-zio-failures-and-defects-effectively.md
- Open issues are looked at on a monday and assigned to the relevant team
- We went through the relevant open issues and provided updates on each one