2022-04-05: Indy DID Method Specification Call
2022-04-05: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Short meeting – 30 minutes this week (ACA-Pug meeting starts at 08:00 Pacific / 17:00 CET)
- Update from the implementation team - status of work/wrapping up
- Overview/demo of DID:Indy work
- Open PRs and Issues
Recording from the call:
- Full Recording: dummyfile.txt
- Extracted segment: Presentation and Demo of Indy Node changes (Daniel Bluhm ): dummyfile.txt
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Welcome and Introductions
- Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
- Daniel Bluhm (Indicio PBC) <daniel@indicio.tech>
- Lynn Gray Bendixsen(Indicio PBC) <lynn@indicio.tech>
- Christian Bormann (Robert Bosch GmbH) <ChristianCarl.Bormann@de.bosch.com>
- Michael Schäfer (Robert Bosch GmbH) <Michael.Schaefer6@de.bosch.com>
- Char Howland (Indicio PBC) <char@indicio.tech>
Collaboration Channels
indy-did-method on Discord - https://discordapp.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708981825576960
- Invitation: https://discord.gg/hyperledger
- indy-did-method repo using SpecUp
- Published specification: https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method
Online Discussion (from Discord this week)
This Week's Discussion:
- Update from the implementation team
- Implementation Plan: https://hackmd.io/@dbluhm/did-indy-impl
- PR ready for review! https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/pull/1740
- PR to Indy HIPE: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/pull/163
- Very similar to implementation plan
- Only things left: minor doc updates, any feedback on PRs
- indy-node changes overview and demo
- Indy VDR Status - done...
- PR review and finalization.
- Question: Will we be able to put `did:indy` references into objects shared amongst participants and they "just work"
- For example, in a proof request, can I put into the restricts `"cred_def_id" : "did:indy:123...345:...."` and it will work with Indy VDR?
- Presumably not – what has to change to enable that?
- GitHub PRs for review
- Self-certification validation selection update
- (Draft) Resolvable JSON-LD DID Doc Examples - Moved to Sam Curren for further review and research.
- GitHub Issues for review
- Next Week:
- Governance of the Hyperledger `did-indy-networks` repo, and deployment
- Changes needed to CredX, indy-sdk/anoncreds and ACA-Py (and other frameworks) to use DID:Indy identifiers.
Future Discussions:
, multiple selections available,