2019 Q2 Learning Materials and Documentation Working Group

2019 Q2 Learning Materials and Documentation Working Group

Working Group

The Learning Materials and Documentation Working Group's goal is developing open source training material (licensed as specified by the Hyperledger Charter) to educate people interested in expanding their knowledge of Hyperledger and its projects. The working group will consult with other Hyperledger working groups, Hyperledger team members, and the project maintainers to identify training needs and develop strategies, as well as, material to address those needs. The output of this working group will be targeted towards both technical and non-technical audiences.

Working Group Health

We are focused on building a strong community for the support of all Hyperledger projects and Groups. The Learning Materials working group's big initiative  to increase membership is underway and is gaining momentum.a

The group's Wiki page

The Task Sign up Page is 

Resource Library is on the Wiki page

edits for the new EdX course "Blockchain for Business" with a June / July deadline for completion (dependent on Flavia).

GITHUB updates. 


Building community and increasing membership is our focus next quarter. Participation in calls typically is 5- 6 individuals. With a forecasted increase in the groups workload, new members are imperative.

Open items from our resource page include:

  • Developing Standard / Best Practices Badges  for all Learning Materials
  • Organizing current projects documentation into the Learning Materials Resource Library and give guidance to projects on how to earn a  Best Practice Badge
  • Support - Documentation support in the form of editing and creating new materials.
  • New Member Onboarding
  • Wiki Management
  • Creating KEY TERMINOLOGY to be used in all documentation
  • Working Groups Liaison
  • Develop Use Case Library

Within the need for Learning Materials on the rise, new members are vital to the success of the group's efforts. 

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Our focus is on Community Building. The bi-weekly calls are consistently held. The Meeting Agendas are announced in the chat room, mailing list and posted to the Wiki page prior to each meeting. The meeting notes and recordings are post on the groups wiki page after each meeting. We are trying to have a relevant presentations during our B-i -weekly meetings, with topics from 


The groups focus has be on the following areas:

Edx Update - F

Git Hub Updates: T

Best Practices Checklist Page, but we need to develop standards. 

The Resources library

Task Sign up page: 

Best Practice Badge: 

  • Wiki space Maintenance 
  • Repositories 
  • Github or Gerrit repositories 
  • Graphic Set
  • Whitepaper
  • Training Documentation Packet
  • Mooc 
  • Webinars

White paper Standard : Developed by Gordon Graham and David Boswell,  posted on our Wiki Page
Standards for the rest of the documents in the set are being developed.

New Member Drive: We have updated our New Member page to make it easier to on board. We included a set by step guide to  creating Linux login, editing wiki pages and joining mailing lists. We are hoping to touch base with the Marketing Department to generate interest in the group.

Key Terminology The group is working on standardizing common definition to be used throughout all Hyperledger documentation.  

Community Building:  The Goal is to have the LMDWG  a resource for the Hyerledger community to obtain training materials. We have a community member in 4 out of the 5 Special Interest groups with an effort to get 5 out of 5. The purpose is to assist the Special Interest Groups in the documentation and keep the community informed as to their efforts. We would like to do the same for the Working Groups. 

Meet-ups: We had a request to develop information to help the  Meet-up organizers.  We created a Meet-up section on the LMDWG wiki page that describes how to start and advertise your Meetup as well as some topics for meetup discussions. LMDWG  Created  a SUMMER MEETUP CHALLENGE  to engage the community this summer. The challenge is Blockchain for Social Impact project and walks teams thru 6 checkpoints that will assist in a prototype. and a whitepaper ( Video demo optional) . The goal is to create a working blockchain that has a positive social impact in the local community.

Use Case Library: The LMDWG is collecting use cases to create a Library . The use case's collected are from presentations delivered during the Bi-weekly calls or collected from the Hyperledger site. Organization is needed.  

Planned Work Products

  • Community Building: increase membership, New Member Onboarding
  • EdX Updates: assist in proofreading the EDX Basic course and help organize the chapters for the Technical course.
  • GitHub support: Create a system to support the projects Github learning materials, a system is needed for pull requests.
  • Developing Standard /  Best Practices Badges:  So all Learning Materials produced represent  the appropriate Hyperledger message.
  • Organizing current projects documentation into the Learning Materials Resource Library and give guidance to projects towards earning Best Practice Badge
  • Key Terminology section development
  • Summer Project - Document the  Blockchain Summer Project Meetup in Princeton for other meetups to follow. 
  • Use Cases: Develop Table of Content for indexing, Learning Material working group will collect Hyperledger use cases and organize them for easy access.
  • Create Survey : Discover why people became inactive, suggestions on time change, format change, leadership change to encourage participation.

Participant Diversity

Membership in the working group has remained low. We are encouraging members to spread the word about the important work of the LMDWG to attract new members. New survey will give insight as to group demographics.

Additional Information

We are searching out ideas for our membership drive and use the Wiki page as a central point of communication for the group. We have included step by step tutorials for onboarding new members on the wiki page in hopes to make it easier to join and get active. 

Reviewed By

  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis