2019 Q3 Architecture WG

Working Group

Architecture Working Group

Working Group Health

The Architecture WG has had a healthy participation with good diversity across projects and companies. Attendance on our work group calls has decreased slightly. We continue to make slow and steady progress on two work items on Privacy and Confidentiality and Interoperability.


There are no issues at this time. We seek TSC's help to encourage broader participation from projects and participating companies.

Specifically on the privacy and confidentiality paper, we are finalizing the description of each platform’s support for privacy & confidentiality. If you would like to provide text and/or feedback on the description, please review the document and add your comments. We would also like to invite more input and participation on the interoperability work. Also, given the kickoff of Transact and its potential as a common smart contract component, we are considering re-visiting the smart-contract work item to develop a more concrete interface definition to the smart contract engine. We would like TSC’s and the projects’ input and level of interest in this effort.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

We have held regular meetings alternating between two tracks, with the main track on every other Wednesday focused on the interoperability work item and reviews of the system identities paper, and a second track on alternate Fridays focused on the privacy and confidentiality.

The System Identities paper is near complete and pending on availability of technical writer for a finalization. On the Interoperability work – we are making good progress on the defining the common constructs and primitives and have completed mapping to the first use-case (asset transfer between ledgers) and have started on the second use-case (atomic swap between ledgers). On the Privacy and Confidentiality track we are making good progress on the paper and are getting inputs from the projects on their privacy and confidentiality capability and are ready to engage with the technical writer when they become available.

Planned Work Products

System identities paper [draft] and privacy and confidentiality paper [draft].

Participant Diversity

We welcome input and help improving diversity.

Additional Information

Reviewed By

  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis