Hyperledger - old
Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology. Questions? Please visit the FAQ.
Graduated Projects
Incubating Projects
Dormant Projects
Working Groups
This page contains details about Working Groups that had been set up by the Technical Oversight Committee. These groups have either been archived or their activities have been moved into other areas, such as SIGs, Task Forces or Regional Chapters. No new Working Groups are being created.
Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Group Links
Governing Documents of the Hyperledger Technical Community
- Charter of the Hyperledger Project overall.
Scope of planned projects covering core ledger functionality.
Code of Conduct for all project workspaces.
Project Lifecycle defines stages of projects within Hyperledger, from Proposal → Incubation → Active.
Project Incubation Exit Criteria required before a project is declared Active and production-ready.
Release Taxonomy provides guidelines for release and pre-release versioning and tags.
Project Proposals for new projects at Hyperledger.
- Working Group Process specifies the process that working groups within Hyperledger conform to.
Recent space activity
Space contributors
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