Hyperledger Caliper documentation platform update

Project TitleHyperledger Caliper documentation platform update


Primary Focus



The goal of the project is to enhance the accessibility, consistency, and comprehensiveness of the Caliper documentation. This mentorship project aims to transition the current Caliper documentation site to utilize the common documentation template adopted by Hyperledger projects. This standardization effort will ensure a seamless user experience across Hyperledger documentation, facilitating easier navigation and comprehension. Furthermore, the project will focus on content improvement to ensure that the documentation covers all aspects of Hyperledger Caliper comprehensively, including installation, configuration, usage, and troubleshooting, with up-to-date and accurate information.

Learning Objectives

The mentee can gain a wealth of knowledge and skills that are valuable not just for this specific project but for their professional development in technical writing, documentation management, and basic understanding of blockchain technology. Some key learning opportunities:

Technical Writing and Documentation Skills

  • Best Practices in Technical Documentation: Learn the principles of creating clear, concise, and useful technical documentation that meets the needs of its target audience.
  • Documentation Design and Structure: Understand how to organize documentation effectively using a common template, making it accessible and easy to navigate for users.
  • Writing for Clarity and Comprehension: Develop the ability to explain complex technical topics in a way that is understandable to both beginners and experienced users.

Blockchain and Hyperledger Ecosystem

  • Understanding Hyperledger Caliper: Gain in-depth knowledge about Hyperledger Caliper, including its architecture, use cases, and how it fits within the broader Hyperledger ecosystem.
  • Blockchain Fundamentals: Although the focus is on documentation, interacting with Hyperledger technologies offers a practical understanding of blockchain principles and applications.

Open Source Collaboration

  • Working in an Open-Source Environment: Learn the dynamics of contributing to an open-source project, including using tools like Git and GitHub, adhering to contribution guidelines, and participating in community discussions.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Enhance collaboration skills by working with developers, other technical writers, and the open-source community to gather information, receive feedback, and iterate on the documentation.

Expected Outcome and Deliverables

  1. Template Transition: Update the Hyperledger Caliper documentation site to use the Hyperledger common documentation template. This involves reorganizing the existing content structure, navigation, and presentation to align with the standardized template.
  2. Content Enhancement: Evaluate the current state of the Caliper documentation to identify areas requiring updates, additions, or improvements. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Ensuring the accuracy and currency of installation and configuration instructions.
    • Expanding on use case examples and tutorials to facilitate practical understanding.
    • Incorporating a troubleshooting section to address common issues and their resolutions.
    • Enhancing the clarity and comprehensiveness of technical descriptions.
    • Adding visual aids where necessary to improve understanding.

Relation to Hyperledger and Impact on the community

This project aims to enhance the user experience and accessibility of Caliper's documentation. 

The impact on the Hyperledger community can be:

  • Improved User Experience: By standardizing the documentation template and improving content quality, users will find it easier to navigate the documentation, learn how to use Caliper, and troubleshoot issues, leading to a better overall user experience.

  • Increased Adoption and Contribution: High-quality, accessible documentation can lower the barrier to entry for new users and developers, potentially leading to increased adoption of Hyperledger Caliper and greater contributions to the project.

  • Community Growth: Enhanced documentation can serve as an educational resource, not only for users of Caliper but for those interested in blockchain technology as a whole. This can help grow the Hyperledger community and foster a more knowledgeable and engaged base of users and contributors.

Recommended Skills

This mentorship project is ideal for individuals interested in technical writing, open-source project documentation, and blockchain technology. Participants will gain hands-on experience in technical documentation, learn about Hyperledger technologies, and contribute to the open-source community by enhancing the usability of Caliper.

Application Requirements

  • Strong written communication skills.
  • Basic understanding of markdown and documentation frameworks.
  • Familiarity with Hyperledger Caliper or a willingness to learn.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in an open-source environment.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Attila Klenik 

Research Fellow @ Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Critical Systems Research Group (ftsrg)

Email: attila.klenik@vik.bme.hu

Discord handle: aklenik

Additional Information

Current Caliper documentation repository/branch: GitHub - hyperledger/caliper at gh-pages

Common Hyperledger documentation template: GitHub - hyperledger-labs/documentation-template: Template for creating documentation for Hyperledger projects

Application requirement: beside on the LFX Mentorship site, you must also provide your CV and cover letter in an online documentation site format (preferably in the above template)!