2020 Q1 Identity WG

Working Group


Working Group Health

The working group health has been good. Regular attendance has increased steadily. Great presentations have contributed. "Convergence" is a natural for this group as all running DLTs need multiple notions of Identity. The white paper has been moved into github. The Identity WG Implementers call is now in full swing. Implementation related roadmaps, standards and implementation projects etc. are regularly discussed. We have some cross collaborations

Questions/Issues for the TSC

Gender diversity. Proposed collaboration with DCIWG did not materialize last quarter, however we will reconnect this Quarter after their survey.  With the new directives from WG Taskforce adopted by the TSC, we will focus on presentations and occasional projects with a limited timeline. The paper continues to have steady progress.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Regular meetings are being held. Some examples of high quality presentations given in Identity WG in the last quarter include:

Identity Working group paper moved into github

Implementer's call has regular reports, architectural reviews and code reviews from:

  • Hyperledger Indy
  • Hyperledger Aries
  • Hyperledger Ursa
  • Sovrin
  • W3C Standards
  • Interop and External updates

Along with the Identity WG Implementer's calls, we have become a standing or permanent conference on Identity; going all year around; the material we produce can be consumed asynchronously by people interested in digital Identity on DLTs. This is a mix of demos, works in progress, techniques, tips, commentary on regulatory activity etc.   

Planned Work Products

Draft version of a roadmap has been developed which we hope to refine each quarter with the help of the community. The roadmap will have the latest plans and a place for volunteering for talks.

Participant Diversity

Work with DCIWG to measure diversity. Gender diversity continues to be an issue. The meeting timings are bad for East Asia. We need to have another look at how we can compensate.

Additional Information

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