25th September 2024 Fayyaadh Adams and Gianluca Capuzzi

what is the hardest problem/issue?
it reduce developing time: responding to community questions on Discord

target: users or developers?
community members: so both users and developers

main features?
it ingests big txt file to create the Knowledge Base

how much does it cost?
that bot is based on ChatGPT 3.5 and it's free
Pay features: GPT 4.0, Analytics (starting from 70$ per month)

is there any further feature that do you like?
integrated dashbord for different bots that users/developers can customize

or any other kind of AI tool that do you like?
to add Others document sources that people can customize

We heve to let him know about first version and features, because he shall ask us custom features (hope so!)

Useful links:

- a light version with ChatGPT API
- the different source types are a value
- the customization is a value
- the dashboard and analytics is a value
- social media and chat integration