Query Permissions Do Not Apply to Validators

Query Permissions Do Not Apply to Validators

Query permissions do not apply to validators and validators can choose to leak data arbitrarily if they are evil or compromised.

Iroha2 trying to follow permission ideology for ISI execution and queries.

Execution of every ISI passes through consensus and it ensures expected permissions execution while consensus is not broked.

Queries do not pass through consensus. It makes it possible to change Iroha2 codebase on one node and makes it possible to execute queries with unexpected rights for other network nodes. Other network nodes will just not know about such executions. 

The motivation for such an attack:

  1. It is possible to reduce trust and discredits the network security performing such an attack because any user will have the possibility to get previously permission data.
  2. This attack makes it possible to get private data secured by-laws that may cause the penalty for the company responsible for the network.