Cloud Events




Error rendering macro 'jira' : null

Due date


Different Iroha users requested possibility to receive information about things outside of a Iroha Queries scope, like list of rejected transactions or changes in their statuses.

Because storage of this information on the Blockchain may have a big cost another approaches were considered.

Action items


During requirements gathering about `Bridge` and `DEX` Iroha Modules and comments on Maintenance Endpoint RFC following needs were found:

  • An ability for Clients to watch for Transactions and Block changes in almost real-time manner.
  • A security mechanism to filter changes and do not share information that client has no permissions to obtain.

These needs were addressed as additional requirements for Maintenance Endpoint and following issues were created:

Error rendering macro 'jira' : null

Error rendering macro 'jira' : null

Error rendering macro 'jira' : null


As a standardized format for such an events CloudEvents specification was proposed as CloudNative Computing Foundation incubating project with 1.0 version released.

Maintenance endpoint will provide API marked as "unstable" feature (for release 2.0.0) with an ability to:

  • Connect Consumer (Iroha Client) to the Source (Iroha Peer) providing signed filter criteria
    • Criteria gives Iroha Peer information about types of Events needed
    • Signature gives Iroha Peer information about the client to check permissions

That way we will address all requirements:

  • An ability to receive changes in submitted by client Transactions statuses
  • An ability to receive changes in Blocks formed by Peers with information inside filtered based on Clients permissions



  • Iroha Network library will provide protocol for a two-way interactive communications session. Iroha Client library will provide Rust API for more high level functions, like "subscribe_to_block_changes" and "subscribe_to_transaction_changes"
  • Iroha Events will align to CloudEvents schema version 1.0
  • TCP and WebSocket API will be provided by Iroha Peer
  • Functionality should be optional



  • Some clients may fail to work with low-level TCP API or with rust client library


  • We have a two-way interactive communication session between client and peer with streams of changes from peer's side and acceptance confirmations from client's side
  • Cloud Events will be marked as "unstable" for 2.0.0 version and may have breaking changes in future minor releases
  • In case of network problems or client side errors changes will not be delivered
  • Information about these events is not stored by Iroha Peers


  • Cloud Events will increase resources consumption and decrease performance `[4;7]`
  • Breaking changes in Events format will require additional updates in client libraries `[9;5]`

Additional Information