Requests for Comments

How to create RFC

  1. Create a child page with "Iroha RFC" template
    1. Include key stakeholders (people who can provide some input like requirements, expertise, etc.)
    2. Fill all parameters
      1. Possible statuses NOT STARTEDIN PROGRESS DECIDED
  2. Fill the page with the following structure:
    1. Problem - define the problem we are going to discuss inside
    2. Solution - describe the way it should be solved in your opinion
      1. Decisions - list all decisions you and other stakeholders made
      2. Alternatives - write at least two alternatives to the solution you made
      3. Concerns - write down all things that worry you or other stakeholders
      4. Assumptions - document any assumption that you made
      5. Risks - list all risks in form "description \[probability (from 0 to 9); impact (from 0 to 9)\]"
    3. Additional Information - write all related links and materials here