Blockchain Explorer



OutcomeDevelopment phase was initiated.
Due dateTBD


A convenient tool to explore an Iroha2 based blockchain is desired by customers to support various use cases. Those include viewing transaction content, wallet balances, consensus specific metrics and possibly even a capability to submit an instruction. These requirements should be considered mostly for the UI rather than implicating architectural design of a potential solution.

Core functional requirements




BlocksPaginated block history
Block detailsBlock dashboard containing transaction references, validator signatures etc
Transaction historyPaginated list of committed transactions
Transaction detailsTransaction content overview, signatures, events attached etc
Domain dashboardList of domains within the blockchain. Domain specific properties/permission should be included. Can contain a reference to the domain wallet ranking page.

Asset details

Asset details such as asset creator, reference to the transaction when it was created, total supply.

Ranking by the balance of the asset selected. Domain filter. Could be paginated. Applicable for Quantity assets only.

Store type assetsTBD way to sort/visualize Store assets. Could start from a specific asset details screen.
Account detailsNewest transaction history, wallet assets balance, permissions, public keys.



Peers statistics

Overall dashboard with peers and their metrics telling about their reliability/score/blocks validated percentile (depending on the consensus specifics).
TelemetryNetwork metricsArbitrary metrics exposed by peers.
WSVSearchLooking for entities (block, transaction, account, asset) by hash/id


State changing

Transaction composerGUI for composing a transaction from instructions and parametrized trigger calls with an ability to download or submit to the blockchain.
Trigger designerRequires more details, probably just a type/permissions settings and code uploading to start with.
Transaction poolTransaction poolTransaction that are not in a final state, for example multisignature transactions with not enough signatures attached


  • TBD - Realtime updates from the blocks commitments
  • Analytics - Examples & download option (xlsx,...)

Additional Information

References to other similar projects are: