Project Plan - Decentralized Blockchain Network Operation Dashboard

Project Plan - Decentralized Blockchain Network Operation Dashboard


Hyperledger Cello provides a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform designed to simplify the creation, management and use of blockchain networks.

The main goal of the mentorship is to upgrade Hyperledger Cello to support Hyperledger Fabric 2.5 LTS, and to continuously optimize and fix backend APIs and the blockchain operation dashboard, contributing to the overall stability and performance of blockchain solutions deployed through Cello.

The following diagram shows Cello's architectural design.


NameTime ZoneEmail
Baohua YangPDT


Yang FengCST


Xichen PanMDTxichen.pan@gmail.com
Zhuyuan MaoMDTheyyuanmao@gmail.com


NameTime ZoneEmail
Haibo YangCSThaiboyang@ucsb.edu


  • Support for all new features and improvements in Hyperledger Fabric 2.5 LTS.
  • Backend API optimizations and bug fixes.
  • Blockchain Operations Dashboard improvements, including UI and UX optimizations.


Eval 1:

  • 1st Quarter Evaluation

Eval 2:

  • Midterm Evaluation

Eval 3:

  • 3rd Quarter Evaluation

Eval 4:

  • Final  Evaluation



June 3 - June 14

On boarding/orientation sessions.

Build local docker images of cello and startup the system. 

June 15-June 28

Read the official document of Hyperledger Cello and Fabric.

Prepare and post Project Plan on the Wiki

June 29 - July 12

Learn about the structure and organization of the front- and back-end code of the Cello. Submit PRs for the fix and refine.

July 13 - July 26

Getting Familiar with Fabric-related APIs and perform tests to identify Cello components that need to be upgraded and modified. 

July 27 - Aug 30

Design the architecture and interfaces to support Fabric 2.5 LTS.

Upgrade relevant dependencies and modules to support new features of Fabric 2.5 LTS.

Write and modify appropriate configuration files and scripts.

Aug 31 - Sept 20

Analyze and optimize existing APIs.

Fix API issues and bugs.

Write new API documentation.

Sept 21 - Oct 18

Improve the user interface and functionality of Cello  Dashboard based on the new capabilities of Fabric 2.5.

Implement secure connections between front and back end.

Fix issues in the dashboard.

Oct 19 - Nov 1

Perform unit, integration and system testing for the entire Cello project.

Fixing issues found during testing.

Nov 2 - Nov 28

Write new API doc and update user manuals.

Deliver the latest version of Hyperledger Cello (upgraded to HLF 2.5).

Final project report and demo.

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