2019-06-19 Indy SDK Working Group Agenda
2019-06-19 Indy SDK Working Group Agenda
- Useful work updates.
- Discussion of merging this call with Indy Contributors Meeting
- Richard Esplin (Evernym)
- Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass/BC Gov)
- Arjan van Eersel (Sonemas)
- Sam Curren (Sovrin Foundation)
Release Status:
- June: Indy SDK 1.10.0
- Flexible Credential Attribute Tagging (Canada.gov)
- Plans for manual integration testing? Does not feel that needs additional testing, but BC.gov will put into use quickly.
- Plans to present on the feature? Thursday WG
- Bugfixes
- Flexible Credential Attribute Tagging (Canada.gov)
- July / August:
- Platform Updates (Evernym?)
- Anoncreds 2.0 (Sovrin Foundation, BC.gov?)
- https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa-docs/tree/master/specs (build.sh will use the Latex file to build a PDF)
- GitLab migration alongside Jenkins (Foundation)?
- Linux should be ready, maybe Windows.
- Need a plan for mobile devices.
- Could run it right after the release.
- Other:
- DID Doc / Fully Qualified DIDs / DID Resolution (Evernym?)
- W3C Verifiable Credentials (Evernym)
Work Updates:
- CI / CD (Mike and Steve G)
- Sovrin prefers GitLab, and working on migration
- Hyperledger is considering Circle CI
- Circle CI doesn't do Windows. GitHub actions are coming.
- Interested people should join #cicd
- Should enable dependabot (https://dependabot.com/).
- Concerns with automated pull requests until we better understand the system.
- Sergey (as repo admin) will review on a near daily basis.
PRs in indy-sdk from the bot
- SDK 2.0 architecture (Sergey)
- Aries / Indy split
- Evernym has started a proposal, but shouldn't prevent others from creating a proposal. Should circulate soon.
- Aries / Indy split
- Payment decorator (Sergey)
- Aries RFC is in "Proposed" status. Will be discussed in an Aries call soon.
- Warnings from rust cargo clippy (Mike)
- IS-1270 through IS-1274
- Will look at again in July
- New design for revocation / Anoncreds 2.0 (Mike)
- Would be useful to have a comparison in performance between Anoncreds 1.0 and Anoncreds 2.0
- Need a plan for changes to Indy Node
- Rust and Bitcode
- Closed "deferred": Error rendering macro 'jira' : null
- Closed "deferred":
- Non-repudiation POC (Kyle)
Other Open PRs:
- Plans for older pull requests: either need to finish them or reject them.
- PR-946
- PR-1407
Other Business:
- Deprecation of Indy-SDK-Language repos? (Sam)
- Indy / Aries split and migration
- indy-sdk-python: Never shipped an artifact. Code is already moved to Aries. Let's kill the repos. We are comfortable leaving a few broken URLs.
- All other repos were initially created in Aries.
- Getting involved with Aries
- Status of Aries repos (Arjan)
- Participating in calls (timezone permitting) and RocketChat channels (#aries, #aries-sdk, etc)
- IndyCat agent will merge into the aries-agent-python (separate from aries-sdk-python)
Future Business:
- Merge this call with the Indy Maintainers calls, moving them to the Monday slots for alternating timezones?
- Much of the business of Indy Maintainers has moved to Aries.
- Nathan is working on a proposal for a call calendar.
, multiple selections available,