2020 03 06 DWG Agenda

2020 03 06 DWG Agenda

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: 2020 03 06 DWG Agenda



  1. Release status:
    1. Pam/Joe Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
    2. BYFN is deprecated in Fabric 2.0
    3. Anthony: Updates to dev tooling
  2. Deploy chaincode tutorial was merged. https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy_chaincode.html
  3. Fabric CA Maintainers. We can now merge documentation content into Fabric CA repo:  https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/pull/107
  4. Adding instructions for modifying Commands Reference: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/793

  5. Chris Gabriel report from Hyperledger Global forum
  6. Addressing barriers to entry:
    1. What are Fabric binaries?
    2. Kubernetes
    3. Docker


  1. Release status
    1. BFT ordering service being worked. RFC available soon
    2. Deployment guide, include CA material PR in place
    3. Ledger checkpoint/pruning is being worked. RFC available soon
    4. Go SDK progressing well
    5. Deploy a network tutorial being merged now.
    6. BYFN replacement in progress including PR.  Now marked as deprecated for Fabric 2.
  2. Deploy chaincode tutorial
    1. Chaincode for operators topic as conceptual base
    2. Deploy a chaincode tutorial now contains more information about the required tasks and their commands
      1. BYFN contained commands – commands are moved from this as part of BYFN deprecation
    3. Discussion on bringing more Hyperledger Fabric processes into Concepts
      1. Policy and access
      2. Consensus
      3. Chaincode Lifecycle
    4. All of these are examples of governance
      1. Governance exists as a thing
      2. Narrow, tailored, limited example of governance
    5. Domain relevance of security, operations, development -- DevSecOps
      1. Balance between separation of concerns and integrated system
  3. Fabric CA doc maintainers
    1. Chris Gabriel initiated activity
    2. Now have doc update ability in CA docs for DWG
    3. Will be merged into Fabric repo over time
    4. Allows for bring up-to-date, bug fixes and more
    5. Fabric deployment guide includes unique CA material
    6. Authority works same was as regular Fabric doc maintainer
  4. Commands Reference topic
    1. Documented process for how to make updates to this section
    2. Outstanding JIRA for some time
    3. Published in Fabric docs readme. Maybe in Contributing guide is best place
  5. Chris Gabriel report from Hyperledger Global forum for next week

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