20191010 Meeting
20191010 Meeting
- Doc Jira issue - FAB-15462Add Interoperability Docs to Fabric Docs In Progress , thanks to Chris Gabriel
- David (SAP) has created the patch set for the markdown doc. https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/c/fabric/+/31618
- The patch set has been updated 3 times, need committers to review. Some comments have been posted, need new patch set and how to address these comments
- comments and next steps, where should the doc go formally?
- CMCC dashboard docker image will be placed under hyperledger account once the lab project gets created. This is a ToDo for Tong since we have the repo setup now.
- Discuss the heterogeneous Chain interop. Direction on how to proceed.
- Should it be done? Yes?
- How should it be done? It seems that the effort "should be a new lab project".
, multiple selections available,