20190321 Meeting

20190321 Meeting


  1. Scenario and Scope modified according to the comments. Tong will be working with the wiki admin to lock the document. a markdown document will be produced and contributed to fabric repo.
  2. When send request to an admin, what do we expect to send in the email?
    1. certs, anchor peer endpoint, names, individually or
    2. configtxgen produced json file which has everything in
  3. Once we have expanded networks, assume participaters joined SAP provided orderering system, we do some tx, things to discuss
    1. what chaincode should we try? all operations of the chaincode?
    2. tx rate, light or heavy?
    3. endorsement policy? what kind of policy should we set to these channels? Can we have an agreement on the policy so that all who provides channels can set the policy.
  4. Test progress reporting
  5. UI program, David/Dennis, when can we have the UI app?