20190124 Meeting
20190124 Meeting
Org join continued proposal discussion, each to present the design and we will propose changes, combine and find a solution.
- Surya Lanka to share the join organization flow and scenarios
- Kompitech (Jiri Broulik)
- SAP (Brian McKellar)
- A special channel (Tong Li), shared info concerns among admins of organizations.
Meeting minutes - Xiang Wang (accelor.io):
1. Surya's introduction of the org joining network flow and scenarios
Scenario 1 (Application level channel) was adopted. If a new org is brought in, all peers from this new organization are allowed to participate in the application that has already exists.
Scenario 2 (Orderer level channel) is too complicated and more information needed for further disscussion.
2. Jiri and David's proposal
Management chaincode: is a simple mechanism for collecting signatures(the existing one is Fabric communitcation medium).
To be decided next time.
, multiple selections available,