SUNYAR : Distributed Charity Platform

SUNYAR : Distributed Charity Platform

Innovation Tagline:  Distributed network of humanitarian aid between NGOs (Charities)

Project Keywords:  (#Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), #Blockchain, #Distributed Settlement, #Sunyar, #HyperLedger Fabric, #Non-Governmental Organization: NGO)

Project Members

This list introduces the main members, but other members are introduced in the presentation file.

  1. Seyed Behnam Khakbaz  khakbazbehnam@gmail.com consultant of Business in the Sunyar Project
  2. Sanaz Vahidi mhedayati1357@gmail.com → Blockchain Product Manager in Polwinno Innovation center
  3. Saman Houshmand hushmandsaman@gmail.com → Blockchain Developer in Polwinno Innovation Center
  4. Morteza Mahdavi morteza.mahdavi2022@gmail.com  → Full Stack Developer in Polwinno Innovation Center
  5. Iman Aghamohammadi aghamohammadiiman@gmail.com → DevOps Engineer in Polwinno Innovation center

Prototype Outcomes

Pitch Deck:   

SUNYAR Pitch Deck show.ppsx

SUNYAR Pitch Deck.pptx

Project Repository:

When the project reaches the launch stage, we will get a valid certificate of open source. You can log in to see the process of the codes written in github with the username and password entered.


For Github:            User name:  judgefabricsunyar         Password: m123456$#  

If you need an email and its password:    judge.fabric.sunyar@gmail.com     Password: 946186012

Link to deployment playground: where your solution is hosted (optional):

The Sunyar is currently operating in an experimental environment on the intranet of the Polwinno Innovation Center. We will soon launch in the external clouds to which access will be notified.


a. Describe the solution

There is an intention in human beings for helping for the non-for-profit purposes. As a result, lots of money goes for the projects, which are somewhat similar to each other, and lots of money cost for operating the NGOs. Moreover, in Islamic nations, there are some rules, which comprise of sharia that guide Muslims for respecting to these issues. We have made a survey to responds to these issues and identified its main reason: non-disclosure recording of poor people and their requirements.

So, We have designed a distributed ecosystem (so called Sunyar, which means distributed platform for managing charities in Persian) by a blockchain platform (Hyperledger Fabric). Sunyar is a distributed settlement platform, which can be used by charities for managing donation process. This can be done by an open-source platform, which can link to a distributed ledger for charities. The open-source platform helps them for automating their process and the distributed ledger can used for two main reasons: uniqueness of needy and their requirements, and transparent aid for them.

The proposed model aims to build a consensus between non-governmental organizations (charities) in the first phase (MVP)  based on five main processes that consists of:

  • Registration of needy
  • Recording of benevolent projects
  • Recording of aid to the needy of any charity that are in Sunyar network 
  • Recording state of aid between charities (collecting money or commodities from donors and distributing them to needy ones)
  • Distributed settlement between charities

To develop this distributed ecosystem , there are two other consensus which are:

  1. a consensus between benevolent projects
  2. a consensus between NGOs (charities) and benevolent projects

The technical architecture  has three parts that consist of:

  • The client section is the web-side customer service that interacts with end users.
  • The middleware section includes communication APIs and SDKs that will provide communication between the client section and the kernel section.
  • The kernel part of the infrastructure is based on Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure. It has been formed from NGOs (charities) as organizations and each NGOs (charities) have endorser and committer nodes. A consensus chosen is RAFT for distributed network.

b. Explain why your solution is better than current state-of-the-art or existing solutions

Our solution addresses the following concerns and challenges:

  • Unique identification of needy people and their requirements is a critical issue for uprising the productivity of helping people (parallel aid is a common issue in lots of countries)
  • Fair distribution of aids (money or commodities) is another critical issue when there is not a management tools for distribution and a transparent system of records. This can made economic problems like making fake jobs (people which pretend to be a needy one), lowering overall productivity and etc.
  • Process of helping the others in a traditional method is a time and money consuming process. As a result, NGOs required a standard platform with respect to their rules (Islamic ones for our case) and the ecosystem.
  • Trust in real charities and transparency for real process of helping the others, is another critical issue for charities.

Our solution covers the following for shareholders:
      Non-governmental organizations:
           1. Fundraising is easier than ever
           2. Ability to manage and distribute assistance
           3. Observance of vow rights at the national level
      The Needy:
          1. Everyone has access to help
          2. Increase the willingness of donors to help those in need
          3. Justice in receiving aid
          1. Observing the principle of justice in the distribution of aid
          2. Creating cooperation between non-governmental organizations (charities)
          3. Targeting aid to solve the life problems of the needy
           1. Transparency in providing assistance and guaranteeing the true identity of the needy
           2. Ability to follow the assistance provided and create various reports
           3. Creating favorable conditions for all kinds of assistance to the needy

c. Does your solution have any Environmental, Social or Governance impact?

Yes, The Sunyar project is a non-profit project whose market is non-governmental and charitable organizations and will not be profitable for us.

The knowledge gained in the field of DLT and the development of distributed settlement in the Sunyar project can be effective in the financial and banking markets, especially the "Iranian banking market".

d. Did you socialize your project or interact with the community? If yes, what notes did they give? Please tag their LFID username with "@".

We are currently interacting with two of the hyperleger community coaches and plan to hold webinars and seminars in the future on distributed ledger technology projects and platforms such as hyperledger fabric and interact bilaterally with many communities. sanaz vahidi

For more details, please see the presentation file:   SUNYAR Pitch Deck.pptx

Project Plan

a. What does project growth plan look like? What timelines are you looking at?

We expect to implement one, two and three milestones in the next three months. Milestone 4 will be considered after the MVP:

Milestone 1:- Development of an open-source platform for charities

  • Development of the user management services
  • Development of the Accounting management services
  • Development of the needy management services
  • Development of the benevolent projects management services
  • Development of the donor profile management services
  • Development of the charity Portal

Milestone 2- Development of the distributed platform

  • Development of the Smart contracts consists of:     
    • Registration of needy
    • Registration of benevolent Projects
    • Aid
    • Approval of Aid
    • mutual settlement

Milestone 3- Development of the Middleware

  • Development of the banking APIs
  • Development of the Kernel APIs

Milestone 4- Development of the tokenization process for making commodities into digital assets

  • Development of the tokenization management
  • Development of the tokenization platform

b. How do you plan to engage open source community?

  • Hyperledger uses Discord for communication purposes. We joined fabric channels such as Fabric, Fabric-Code-Participants, Fabric Samples.
  • We participate in some blockchain webinars on different channels, different countries.
  • We have two coaches from the hyperledger community. They have very good experience in business and technical platform of FinTech and so on. They review our project "Sunyar" and tell us points and we will consider all the points in Sunyar project.
  • We are active in the field of blockchain and DLT in social networks such as LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram application.
  • We will hold webinars and seminars in the future on distributed ledger technology projects and platforms.

c. How will the project be sustained? What are the skills that need to maintain and grow the project?

With the knowledge obtained from the Sunyar project, the purpose is to use this knowledge and experience in banking topics and systems and platforms. Therefore, to achieve this goal, the following skills and actions are required:

  • Having a mentor and specialized consultant in the fields of DLT, finance and banking
  • Full familiarity with DLT and blockchain platforms required
  • Full knowledge of tools, programming languages required by smart contracts
  • Conducting various webinars and conferences related to the uses of distributed ledger technology and blockchain in the field of banking and finance in Iran and other countries
  • Defining some projects as joint collaborations in the form of laboratories to attract and invite investors and experts and publish some code sources in open source.

d. How do you plan for industry option?

1. During the implementation of Sunyar MVP product, several meetings are being held with banking teams. Necessary explanations are provided about the blockchain and DLT infrastructures , and the implications for this area are noted.
2. Based on the interactions and feedback received over time, Sunyar's distributed settlement will become more tangible for them and they can help us in the use of this "distributed settlement" in the banking sector.
3. Our team will grow and we will be able to do more in the banking sector using blockchain infrastructure and platforms and distributed head office technology.

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