Thank you Sponsors & Organising Committee!!

Thank you Sponsors & Organising Committee!!

Sponsors & Organizers



Platform Sponsor

Platform Name: 0xHacking.com

Organizing Committee

Anasuya Threse Innocent .A

Kamlesh Nagware

Vikram Sharma

Ritu Jain

Sponsorship Details

For Winners:

Each team members will get,

  1. The Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner (HFCP) Exam worth $250 (approx. Rs. 21,000/-) from Linux Foundation, free of cost; and
  2. Blockchain verified Appreciation Certificate from VeriDoc Global

For 1st & 2nd Runners-Up:

Each team member will get,

  1. The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer Course worth Rs. 5900/- from KBA, free of cost
  2. Hybrid Internship opportunity valued at Rs. 15,000/- free of charge by KBA. This internship includes a 5-day offline compulsory bootcamp at the Kerala Blockchain Academy campus; and
  3. Blockchain verified Appreciation Certificate from VeriDoc Global

#All the winners will get recognition in a Hyperledger Blog post

For All Participants:

Each participant of the Hyperhack 2024 will get,

  1. Blockchain verified Hackathon Completion certificate from VeriDoc Global [for the participants who have completed the hackathon].
  2. 50 % discount in course fee for the Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer Course worth Rs. 5900/- from KBA
  3. 50 % discount in the Hybrid Internship opportunity valued at Rs. 15,000/- from KBA. This internship includes a 5-day offline compulsory bootcamp at the Kerala Blockchain Academy campus.

*Participants are the ones who have submitted the projects.

For the Mentors:

Blockchain verified appreciation certificate from VeriDoc Global

For the Jury:

Blockchain verified appreciation certificate from VeriDoc Global

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