Basic Info
Time: 18:00 Every Friday PST (UTC-7)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJwkc-2oqDgsE9RLmd0AwOltrBhSKjG3jEnp/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCgpz8uGtKWthCHRow-HY-gLPTwpnZdj_pvsBLhUwFETQ_iJMBKAZl1N4va- Meeting links:
- Project Wiki Page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/cello/
- In Process issues https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/projects/1#column-6892634
- User dashboard API:
- API-engine API docs: Cello API-Engine API
- Agent API:
- Add wikipage: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/wiki/Debug-cello-by-container
- Start service workflow is up to date: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello#quick-start
Please input your name before the meeting
- Baohua Yang: yangbaohua@gmail.com
- @DuPeng: dupeng@h3c.com
- Dixing Xu: dixingxu@gmail.com
- xie ruitao: rtxie@h3c.com
- qiang xu : xq-310@163.com
- @prince Gao: prince.zxgao@gmail.com
- Yuanmao Zhu
- Tong Li (Deactivated): litong01@us.ibm.com
- hightall: hightallyht@gmail.com
- @Luke Chan: jiahaochen1993@gmail.com
- Xichen Pan: xichen.pan@gmail.com
- panhaowen789: panhaowen789@gmail.com
- Xiao Ran : xiaor2@illinois.edu
- Yun Gu :nerokucn@gmail.com
- PR this week
- Release plan 1.1.0 Q2 of 2024
- chaincode (wait till channel can add org): feng yang will draft a design spec first
- UI behavior design of chaincode lifecycle: Xichen Pan feng yang
- Chaincode frontend design: Chaincode Frontend Design: Approved.
- Xichen Pan lead the backend API discussion.
- Backend API Design: Yuanmao Zhu
- FE Implementation: Code is done. Issue: connect to BE.
- feng yang Xichen Pan will lead. Xiao Ran will continue to work on the OSS project in 2024
- Xichen Pan has done the dashboard page, split based on operations to let interns join the work. https://github.com/umijs/umi
- BE Implementation: ETA 4 PW, yun gu, xiao ran
- part 1 to test APIs: yun gu will continue and check how many APIs are left.
- part 2 to fix the implementation.
- Yuanmao Zhu Xichen Pan will lead. Yun Gu panhaowen789
- Yuanmao Zhu will have one API work as a sample, split the work based on APIs to let interns join the work.
- package, install, approve, commit, invoke/query
- UI behavior design of chaincode lifecycle: Xichen Pan feng yang
- chaincode (wait till channel can add org): feng yang will draft a design spec first
- feng yang : https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/issues/602
- Yuanmao Zhu : absent
Xichen Pan : Will help Xiao Ran for the install issue.
- Xiao Ran : Reading BE code. Chaincode v2 API Spec. Check the Approve API, learn to run fabric peer client.
Fix the package id generation issue. Now the chaincode can be uploaded from UI.- Install still has issues, will recheck. Xichen Pan help
- panhaowen789 : absent.
- We have new participant of Victor Lu.
- Intern 2024: need to select top 3 candidates: https://mentorship.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/project/48e6da88-6065-4226-978b-80f35ca393f6/mentees
- feng yang suggest revise the creating peer node API:
- Only create one peer with the specified name
- Yuanmao Zhu will help fix the issue
- feng yang suggests:
- When downloading channel config, remove the hint of downloading succeed
- When creating channel, no need to edit orderer nodes
- When updating the channel (add an org), why need to input the msp_id? Need to update the steps into docs.
- Others
- TODO: update HLF version from 2.2 LTS → 2.5 LTS
- HLF 2.5.0 is released.
- TODO: integrate hlf-operator into Cello as the k8s agent.
- feng yang mentioned that the release-0.9.0-h3c branch may contain some k8s APIs and code
- TODO: update HLF version from 2.2 LTS → 2.5 LTS
, multiple selections available,