Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
Basic Info
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Wednesday, Bi-weekly (GMT+8)
- Option #1: Use Zoom (Recommend using microphone and headset)
受网络监管影响的中国大陆用户可以通过web端链接进入,或者通过下载另一个桌面客户端应用进入,会议ID:403 4983 298
Mainland China users, can optionally use this link and/or download desktop client
Option #2: Dial in with the phone number. E.g., 403 4983 298 or 010-87833177 (Premium Toll) for China area, code is 248676399.
On-duty Chair: david liu
Feel free to add ur name here to attend the meeting.
- Baohua Yang
- Zhenhua Zhao
- J Guo
- Scott Long
- 郭立冬
- TopJohn
- david liu
- Dorothy Cheng
- Yang Cheng
- allenshao
- Peng Du
- Rui Zhang
- Yong Wan
- 柳丝凡
- Steve Rogers
- kutenglaoshu
- Robinsonxie
- Taibin Shi (石太彬)
- Hengming Zhang
- Tom Xu
- Yunfeng Zou
- @Zhengping Xu(徐正平)
- Xu Wu(吴旭)
- Kerwin Sun (孙凯辉)
- 沈瞳 (沈瞳)
- Vincent Wong (王云浩)
- Ye Wei
- cs s (舒畅)
- Steve Chang
- yi ren
- 宇宙第三黑
- Dijun Liu
- 张保佳
- @Yunlong Su (苏云龙)
- ghostchen369 (陈桂军)
Team development and Innovation J Guo TopJohn , david liu )
- Community Project开发者社区项目列表 david liu
- [project incubation] FabricJavaPool
- [project incubation] fabric-toolkit
Team i18n and Education (Zhenhua Zhao 郭立冬 Yang Cheng )
- Fabric 2.0 文档还有三篇尚未翻译且无人认领,欢迎在此页面认领。新的贡献者请先阅读《【新人必读】文档翻译流程、要求和FAQ》
- hyperledger-cactus
- Fabric 官方文档中增加了国际化指南(和我们当前的翻译流程基本一致,我们无需修改)
Team Collaboration and Scenarios (Dorothy Cheng Scott Long )
- <金融分布式账本技术安全规范>fabric解析
- fabric-gm open governance proposal david liu Scott Long
Team Event Organization (J Guo , Zhenhua Zhao Scott Long )
- online meetup by zoom
- Hyperledger Tencent video channel QRCode