Community Project开发者社区项目列表
Community Project开发者社区项目列表
- 由中国Hyperledger社区的开发者建立
- 一年内有积极维护的状态
- 围绕hyperledger grennhouse生态
- 秉承开源精神,不过度涉及商业,产品宣传的
- 使用常用的开源项目的license,如Apache-2.0, MIT
- 项目维护者允许并鼓励社区贡献开发
- 设计上对于其他社区开发者有用例参考,借鉴,指引意义的
灵感来源:Fabric Application Developer Community call, Hyperledger-Labs
- https://github.com/IBM/fablet
- Fablet, a browser-based dashboard and tools set for Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform
- 基于浏览器的Fabric仪表盘工具
- https://github.com/gsoc-cn/hyperledger-mentor-program
- Hyperledger Mentor Program 中文相关资料
- https://github.com/blockchain-desktop/hyperledger-fabric-desktop
- Hyperledger Fabric Desktop is a user-friendly cross-platform desktop application, which helps ordinary users to play with Fabric network easily.
- https://github.com/guoger/stupid
- Sometimes we need to test performance of a deployed Fabric network with ease. There are many excellent projects out there, i.e. Hyperledger Caliper. However, we sometimes just need a tiny, handy tool, like
. - 极轻量的fabric网络系能测试实用工具
- Sometimes we need to test performance of a deployed Fabric network with ease. There are many excellent projects out there, i.e. Hyperledger Caliper. However, we sometimes just need a tiny, handy tool, like
- https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/minifabric
- 迷你Fabric 如果您想学习Hyperledger Fabric或开发智能合约,或者只是想了解 Hyperledger Fabric,迷你Fabric是让您快速开始的良好工具。
孵化及提案Incubation & Proposal
- https://github.com/SamYuan1990/FabricJavaPool
- Fabric连接池管理,带有缓存支持
- khala-fabric-admin:
- A way to compensate missing admin level node-sdk
, multiple selections available,