2022 Q4 Hyperledger Caliper

Project Health

  • 2 active maintainers
  • PRs continuously submitted and merged
  • 2 Mentorship projects successfully finished
  • Questions on Discord and GitHub are regularly answered
  • Monthly contributor calls (discussion happens mostly on Discord, as needed)

Required Information

  1. Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? → Yes
  2. Have you implemented the Common Repository Structure in all your repos? → Yes 
  3. Has your project implemented these inclusive language changes listed below to your repo? You can optionally use the DCI Lint tool to make this a recurring action on your repo. → Yes
    1. master → main
    2. slave → replicas
    3. blacklist → denylist
    4. whitelist → allowlist
  4. Have you added an Inclusive Language Statement to your project's documentation and/or Wiki pages? → Yes (https://hyperledger.github.io/caliper/vNext/contributing/#inclusive-language-guidelines)

Questions/Issues for the TSC

Not at this time.


The latest stable release is v0.5.0; we're also continuously publishing unstable releases after every merged PR:

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

List of merged PRs (11): https://github.com/hyperledger/caliper/pulls?q=is%3Apr+merged%3A2022-09-23..2022-12-08+

Summary of activities:

  • CI pipeline improvements and fixes (as part of a mentorship project)
  • Added base skeleton for VSCode extension (as part of a mentorship project)
  • Improving Prometheus integration

Current Plans

  • Overview and decrease the issue backlog.
  • Create developer docs that exhaustively document internal Caliper workings. This will be the basis for proposing epic refactorings and improvements. And hopefully will help attract more core devs by lowering the entry barrier for project contributions.

Maintainer Diversity

Current maintainers.

Contributor Diversity

Contributions from maintainers and recent project mentees, Eravatee Raje and Rinish Sam.

Additional Information


Reviewed By

Submission date