LF Decentralized Trust
LF Decentralized Trust
Technical Oversight Committee
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TOC Meeting Minutes
TSC Meeting Minutes
TOC Elections
Closed topics
Pending topics for the TSC
RFC - 2020 Contributor Support
Task Forces
TSC Decision Log
3rd Party Nominations for the TSC?
Add Dormant State to the Project Lifecycle
Add Insights dashboard reference to quarterly reports
Allow projects to use CalVer or SemVer
Amendments to project incubation exit criteria
Chat Channel Migration
Common labels for contributors a la good first issue
Common Maintainers management policy
Common Repo structure
Community Diversity metric
Create Contributor Experience WG
Criteria for entering Incubation
Criteria for First Major Release
DCI Working Group: Inclusive Naming Proposal
DCO and Pseudonyms
DCO Validation During Contribution Review
Decision Log
Eliminate Lab Sponsor requirement
End requirement to use Repolinter
Extend labs sponsors to SIG chairs
Forgo Active state requirement for First Major Release
Forgo the Project Lifecycle Incubation state
Governing Docs to be consolidated into a git repo
Hyperledger Explorer major release v1.0.0
Hyperledger Explorer Promoted release v1.0.0
Inactive Projects
Introduce a mechanism for regular review of a project
Long Term Agenda - Framing
MAINTAINERS file content
Management of quarterly reports to the TSC
Move Besu from Incubation to Active status
Move Composer to End of Life
Move HIP process to GitHub
Move Hyperledger Aries from Incubation to Active status
Move Hyperledger Explorer from incubation to active status
Move Hyperledger Lab Firefly into a Project in Incubation
Move Hyperledger Quilt to Dormant state
Move the Blockchain Integration Framework (BIF) lab to a Project
Move TSC issues / decision log to GitHub
Moving a Project to EOL
Process for new projects that already have a history
Project maturity metrics / Badging
Projects have two quarters to comply with common repo structure
Projects not required to start as a lab
Rename Active status and call it Graduated
Replace "Major Releases" with "Promoted Releases"
Restructure the Greenhouse to avoid confusion
Rollover of projects tied to a single other project
Security reporting policy on GH repos
Should the TSC have a secretary role?
Should we have a different chat platform?
Solang project proposal
Steps/Criteria/Policies for Releases after First Major Release
Subprojects and project proposals
Subprojects house keeping
Subprojects not formally defined
Table consideration of the FireFly proposal for two months
Task-force extension
Task-force formalization
Task-force launch
Task-force reporting
TSC Co-chair/Vice-chair
TSC Election 2020-2021 Plan
TSC Election nominations
TSC Election observers
TSC Election process approval
TSC Election timing
TSC Election voters selection
TSC Membership Diversity
TSC Quorum
TSC Size
TSC Term length
TSC Term limits
Unlimited Incubation period
WGs' purpose set to information exchange rather than production of deliverables
WGs product
WGs scope
WGs shall be dropped
WGs transition to TSIGs
What if a top level project does not meet its charter goal?
When to name a Project
Working Group Quarterly Reports
TSC Meeting Agendas
Project Proposals
Project Lifecycle
Project Readiness
Project Incubation Exit Criteria
Working Group Updates
Release Taxonomy
LFX Issues
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