2019-07-17 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2019-07-17 Meeting Agenda and Notes



Discussion items

Introduction from people new to the call ​

5minAntitrust Policy


 5minIntroduction from people new to the call 


Vipin explained the ways for collaboration on the provenance use from the various working groups including Smart Contracts WG, Performance and Scale WG, Supply Chain WG, Grid WG in order to create templates for the SC involved in this use case and implement them on various platforms to get performance measurements.

Sumit offered to add some use cases for the Finance business case where he is more interested in, and he will also take a look at the e-government paper which is about to be issued for review by the TSC.

Sofia informed the participants that the mind map has been submitted for review by the TSC and that a doc will be created in order the authors to be able to add their names and to add the Hyperledger Logo.

There were no more subjects to discuss so the meeting ended.

10minAny subject not on the agenda

Action items
