Work Products

The anticipated initial work products will include (but are not limited to):

  • Taxonomy for smart contracts in every day scenarios
  • White Paper about smart contracts and the respected aspects concerning their usage
  • Survey the state of the art and academic content 
  • Performance of smart contracts across the different HL DLT frameworks
  • Identifying use cases, case studies
  • Find practical ways to connect stuff 'out there' with things we could use within our implementations
  • Exploring security, privacy, legal boundaries
  • Proposing solutions to the problems identified
  • Produce 'Requests To Build' that could feed into feature planning on the different Hyperledger frameworks
  • Identifying conferences or other opportunities to connect face to face

An indicative list of Work Products

Whitepaper - Interoperability Supported by Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Framework

Smart Contracts Business and Use Cases (Ongoing)

Smart Contracts Annotated Bibliography (WIP)

Grants Management Use Case (WIP)

Bicycle Supply Chain structure - Use Case [DRAFT]