2020-08-20 Meeting notes

2020-08-20 Meeting notes


Attendees (16)


Tomorrow’s presentation will be on a blockchain solution called Consortia, developed by Senofi, Inc.. Consortia enables you to rapidly configure, deploy and manage blockchain consortiums. Senofi is a team of passionate experienced software developers with a solid background in designing and building enterprise technology stacks and large scale enterprise applications. Tsvetan Georgiev will be presenting and demoing Consortia. Tsvetan is focused on the product management/development and a Hyperledger Fabric expert Senofi. Since 2017, he has worked on several Hyperledger Fabric based projects implementations in various industries like pharma, healthcare and construction. He has twenty years of solid background in enterprise software engineering (from idea to market) across multiple industries (eCommerce, banking, retail, etc.) and technologies. The following is tomorrow’s agenda:

 Contact: Marco Carvalho

Discussion items

20 minspresentationTsvetan Georgiev

Short Introduction to Consortia

20 minspresentationTsvetan Georgiev Live demo of a Supply Chain Use-Case
10 minsQ&QAttendeesQ&A

Action items


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