2021-08-19 Meeting notes - Supply Chain SIG General Meeting
2021-08-19 Meeting notes - Supply Chain SIG General Meeting
- Anthony Lopez
- @jennifer Loudon
- Rajesh Krishnan
Discussion items
- No pre-set agenda for this weeks general meeting, attendees took the opportunity to share of the work they have been focused on
- Rajesh Krishan introduced himself and the use cases that he is looking to learn more about re: supply Chain logistics use cases. Follow up with some examples to look at:
- Here is a recent wrap up post on #HyperledgerSupplychain -
- #HyperledgerSupplychain: Spotlighting Hyperledger-powered solutions strengthening supply chains around the world
- Enterprises Can No Longer Take Shortcuts with Climate and Social Impact, and Distributed Ledgers Provide Proven Accelerators for Change
- How innovative supply chain solutions can increase blockchain adoption
- The Cisco use case brought up Blockchain solution for service event dispatch and track and trace between Cisco and DHL
- Here is a recent wrap up post on #HyperledgerSupplychain -
- Jennifer Loudon introduced some of the work she has been doing with Water management
- Daniela Shared this doc on Hyperledger Fabric https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/about-deloitte/blockchain-iot-wastewater-management.pdf