Introduction to Iroha
Introduction to Iroha
Session Topic or Project
HL Iroha
Session Leader
Time Slots and Spaces
Morning of the 14th would be good as it is an introductory session.
Experience Level of Participants
Session Language
Can do both Russian and English. As it is more like a general concept introduction, no need for programming knowledge.
Programming Language(s)
- C / C++
- Go
- Java
- Javascript
- Python
- Rust
- Other
Other Prerequisites
The Plan
1. What is Iroha. Iroha's history
2. What is it used for
3. How different projects are built on Iroha
4. Overview of general concepts and architecture
The Goals
Attendees will know what Iroha is on business level, so further sessions about technical stuff could be more interesting and meaningful.
Software to Install Before
Nothing special.
Special Equipment Required
Would be good to have a screen bigger than a laptop.
, multiple selections available,