Working Together to Build an Aries Application for Sovrin

Working Together to Build an Aries Application for Sovrin

Session Topic or Project

A request from the identity sessions on day one is to provide more detailed guidance on building an identity application. That is hard to do, because the components are evolving rapidly. In this session, we will work together to set up an identity application. Along the way, we'll try to overcome roadblocks together.

Session Leader

Richard Esplin

Time Slots and Spaces

Expected audience ~15 people

Morning of Day 2

Experience Level of Participants


Session Language

English and Russian

Programming Language(s)

  • C / C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Other

Other Prerequisites

Having attended the identity sessions on Day 1 will help a lot.

The Plan

Work together to create an identity application using the Aries tools. These tools are moving quickly, so we expect to hit some roadblocks. It will be educational as we work together to overcome them.

The Goals

During the session we will:

  • Install Indy CLI
  • Install Aries Cloud Agent Python
  • Discuss how to design verifiable credentials

Software to Install Before

Optional: Indy CLI, Aries Cloud Agent Python

Special Equipment Required

Power for attendees, projector for guide, flip chart

Presentation Slides