MESIG-Gaming: Research Paper on Blockchain Gaming

MESIG-Gaming: Research Paper on Blockchain Gaming


1.1 Introduction

This study project aims to analyze and document the best practices, architectural framework and design patterns for applications of blockchain technology in the gaming space. Examples being, use of BaaS (Blockchain as a service), SSI (Self sovereign Identity) and blockchain agnostic frontends and backends. This project will be accomplished in three parts as below:

1) Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

2) Deep Dive into Use Cases of Blockchain Technology in Gaming

3) Best Practices, Architectural Frameworks, Design Patterns and Tokenomics for Blockchain Gaming

1.2 Scope

The scope of this research paper is limited to researching the use cases, design principles and architectural standards of use blockchain technology in gaming space. This paper does NOT delve into details of so called "metaverse", which is still an undefined target state. Also, this paper is not intended to provide the standards or frameworks for games in general. 

1.3 Timeline

This research paper was started around Jan 23rd, 2022 and is planned to be completed in 3 parts as below:  

Part 1: Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

TaskTarget End DateStatus
Define and formalize scope of research paperJan 31, 2022Completed
Finalize list of games to be researchedJan 31, 2022Completed
Complete research on selected gamesFeb 05, 2022Completed
Draft research paperFeb 28, 2022Completed
Peer review of research paperMar 06, 2022In Progress
Finalize research paperApr 23, 2022Not Started
Publish research paperApr 30, 2022Not Started

Part 2: Deep Dive into Use Cases of Blockchain Technology in Gaming

TaskTarget End DateStatus
Initiate Draft Paper Mar 05, 2022Not Started
Finalize use cases for researchMar 19, 2022Not Started
Complete Initial research May 14, 2022Not Started
Peer review of research workMay 28, 2022Not Started
Finalize research paperJune 11, 2022Not Started
Publish research paperJune 25, 2022Not Started

Part 3: Best Practices, Architectural Frameworks and Design Patterns for Blockchain Gaming


Target End Date

Initiate Draft PaperMid MarNot Started
Finalize Scope of PaperMid MayNot Started
Complete Initial research Mid AugNot Started
Peer review of research workMid SepNot Started
Finalize research paperEnd SepNot Started
Publish research paperEnd SepNot Started


2.1 Draft 

Draft format for paper

2.2 Details

In order to conduct this analysis, following aspects of selected games will be considered:

  • Overview of game platform / game (includes little bit of history of game if applicable)
  • Gameplay
  • UX
    • User entry point
  • Game Economy (Tokenomics)
    • NFTs
    • DeFi
  • Technology stack
    •  Blockchain (Layer)
    • SDK
    • Cloud services used
    • Game engine 
    • Mobile/web/PC/console (is the game offline or online?)
  • Governance Model
  • Roadmap

We’ll choose top 5 (or more) games based on following criteria:

  • Game popularity 
  • Technology stack 
  • Gameplay 
  • Tokemomics 
  • Value of research to open source blockchain

Potential Games / Game Platforms to be Researched 





Blockchain platform

Game Engine

Reason to choose

Misc. Info


Axie Infinity 

Pay to play

Sky Mavis

Ronin (L2)

Ethereum (L1)

One of the most popular blockchain games




Free to play, freemium

Mythical Games

Mythical Chain

(L1 / Permissioned)

Unicorn company, highly anticipated to be a top contender.  https://mythicalgames.com/platform



Pay to play

Harmony + others expected soon

First game on multiple blockchains


Ice Poker



The Sandbox

Free to play, freemium

Animoca Brands




Anticipated to be one the key Metaverse players



3.1 Industry Research to be used

The Block Research is a media research company that provides research to companies (payable) on various topics such as Fintech, Blockchain Gaming, etc.  Below is a list of some links that can be referred to be in preparation of our research paper:


Some reference links for Tokenomics of The SAND token.


