
Zoom Channel = https://zoom.us/j/4034983298?pwd=STZQd0xMZU9xRVVOVnpQM3JNQ2dqZz09

Attendees (23):

Vipin Bharathan

Jim Mason

@ Kamlesh Nagware

Daniel Bachenheimer

jakob notland

Miguel Jimenez

luca boldrin

Bobbi Muscara

Lynn Gray Bendixsen

Main Event:

A presentation on GADI (Global Architecture for Digital Identity) by

Ramesh Kesanupalli, the CEO of  Digital Trust Networks.

Please attend, collaborate, question, contribute!

The mission of GADI is to establish a new trustable identity framework by providing a unique digital address to everyone.

Some questions that may be answered by the presentation:

  • Where does GADI deviate from the strict principles of SSI?
  • How can GADI be used in Hyperledger Blockchain based applications? Provenance, Digital Finance, Healthcare, Digital Government? 
  • What about correlation risk in the provision of a universal identity?
  • How useful is it for non-persons or Enterprises? What about IOT devices? Are there links to LEI?
  • Such identifiers are already part of many national infrastructures: SSN in the US, Aadhaar in India and so on. How will GADI interact with them? 




Rouven Heck : What is your definition of ‘identities’ in this context?
12:19:54 From Rouven Heck : Are the DAPs sharing the same network with GADI, or is GADI a ‘cross DAP network’?
12:20:21 From Drummond Reed : “Data stays with issuers” is a major contrast to any SSI solution. With SSI, the starting premise is that users are in control of their personal data.
12:21:21 From Jim Mason : What is your assumption on how MANY digital IDs I can have ???
12:21:33 From Jim Mason : what is the format of the uuid ??
12:22:24 From Rouven Heck : What are your thoughts in regards of privacy implications if Service providers get the data from the source directly?
12:22:33 From Drummond Reed : With GADI, you have a single global digital address
12:23:07 From Jim Mason : how MANY addresses can be generated with GADI - max?
12:26:37 From Rouven Heck : What is the governance model for the GADI network?
12:27:17 From Daniel Bachenheimer : how are DAs de-conflicted?
12:28:25 From Luca b Boldrin : how does your patent application differ from apple's: http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-adv.html&r=10&p=1&f=G&l=50&d=PG01&S1=(apple.AANM.+AND+20200702.PD.)&OS=aanm/apple+and+pd/7/2/2020&RS=(AANM/apple+AND+PD/20200702)
12:32:30 From Rouven Heck : Why do you use a DLT/Blockchain?
12:37:49 From Drummond Reed : My question is: “Given that DIDs and VCs are W3C open standards, and many different digital wallets are coming on the market that support open standard verifiable credentials where users completely control the use of the credential, what makes GADI think that users would us a proprietary network where the users do not have control of their data?”
12:39:32 From Rouven Heck : What is the business model for GADI? Plans for a token?

12:51:17 From Drummond Reed : The way to prove provenance is using DIDs and VCs — both open standards anyone can use without a proprietary network
12:52:46 From Kaliya Identity Woman : no proprietary network is needed - there should be no such thing as a universal address - its dangerous and creates privacy risk that are significant for people.
12:53:57 From Rouven Heck : Just follow up - plans for token to provide the incentives?
12:57:02 From Kaliya Identity Woman : How do they have control of a universal address they are assigned and need present all over the place to get more credentials/interact with their wallet?
12:59:51 From Daniel Bachenheimer : evidently - based on a pre-agreed upon schema/hashing alg