2019-11-21 Identity WG Implementers Call
- Project updates
- Overlays Data Capture Architecture (ODCA)
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom here https://zoom.us/j/232861185
Reminder to the host: we plan to record this call.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
Name | Company | |
Paul Knowles | Dativa | paul.knowles@dativa.com |
Ken Ebert | Sovrin Foundation | ken@sovrin.org |
Richard Esplin | Evernym | richard.esplin@evernym.com |
Steve McCown | Anonyome Labs | smccown@anonyome.com |
Kelly Cooper | Independent | kellycooper.2ds@gmail.com |
- Aries Workshop/Connectathon December 3-5 in Provo, Utah
- Webinars hosted by ssimeetup.org:
- Peer DIDs Nov 21 at 1 PM MST
- December 17: Deep dive into the Plenum Ledger
- Hyperledger edX course launched this week - Introduction to Hyperledger Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions: Indy, Aries & Ursa
- Other Announcements?
Working Group Reports and Release Plans
- Main Identity WG 2019-11-13
- Update from Drummond on three topics: Data Protection, ToIP, and Guardianship
- Roadmap for whitepaper: move to GitHub, checkpoint for 2019, and start on update for 2020
- FATF beneficial ownership discussion
- Hyperledger Indy
- Contributors Meeting
- Discussed a plan for cross-organizational reviews of pull requests for Indy Node.
- Indy Node
- November release: bug fixes
- December release: bug fixes, including maybe removing replicas (maybe moving to Aardvark BFT)
- Rich Schema schema object support https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/pull/1513
- Indy SDK
- November: bug fixes, deprecating components that moved to Aries, LibVCX support for Aries protocols.
- Indy Catalyst
- https://github.com/bcgov/indy-catalyst
- Production deployment testing: volume loads.
- Trying to identify performance bottlenecks. Currently think it's calls to the database.
- Performance problems is preventing going to production.
- Migrating into Hyperledger GitHub org
- Needs more documentation.
- Indy Semantics WG
- Contributors Meeting
- Hyperledger Aries
- Aries Working Group meetings: discussions about naming, plans for core repositories
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Cloud Agent Python - Release 0.3.5 released. Release Notes
- Static Agent Python - Working on release with return routing, other improvements
- Aries Protocol Test Suite
- Architectural improvements to support mediators, then can contribute LibVCX tests
- Aries Core Libraries (agent storage, resolvers, comms)
- Aries Language Frameworks and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Sovrin
- Network updates and extensions
- Sovrin Governance Frameworks and Trust Architecture
- Sovrin Governance Framework v2 had more changes. Next approval is December 4.
- Transaction Author Agreement is expected to be enforced on the Sovrin Network "soon" (January / February?)
- Sovrin APAC meetings have started. 1800-1900 US Pacific
Sovrin Foundation Webmeeting Info:
The WG meets every other week for two regional one-hour Zoom webmeetings. Upcoming 2019 meeting dates: Nov 4/5, Nov 18/19, Dec 2/3, Dec 16/17.
US/EU Region meetings are Mondays 08:00-09:00 Pacific Time, 16:00-17:00 UTC.
APAC Region meetings are Mondays 18:00-19:00 Pacific Time, Tuesdays 02:00-03:00 UTC, Tuesdays 3-4PM New Zealand.
- W3C Standards
- Drummond's slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSuaCI_igQy7H42-ynaaRYySuspY0rBMWjSgmotS56xJmNm19RZFGaPhmCMyJja6A/pub?slide=id.p1
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group - Verifiable Credentials Data Model specification is now official recommendation.
- DID Working Group
- Interop and External updates (Dmitri Zagidulin)
- Helen's excellent DIDs 101 Non-Technical discussion slides from the CCG call, as mentioned earlier
- Introduction to Self Sovereign Identity IIW slides by Heather Vescent, Karyl Fowler and Lucas Tétrault
- Other?
- Diversity, Civility, and Inclusion working group preparing for Hyperledger Global Forum. DCI is trying a new format to increase geographic presentation. Two meetings will be virtual - products/projects will be noted and take place in the wiki and rocket chat. Each participant will dedicate one hour sometime on the day+- of the meeting. After two such meetings, w