2019-08-01 Identity WG Implementers Call
Project updatesGitLab CI/CD Migration Demo
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom here https://zoom.us/j/232861185
Last minute Zoom room change to make sure we can record: https://zoom.us/j/922429489
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Meeting ID: 922 429 489
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Reminder to the host: we plan to record this call.
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All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
Name | Organization | |
Rebecca Christman | rebeccachristman@gmail.com | |
Troy Ronda | SecureKey | troy.ronda@securekey.com |
Steven Gubler | Sovrin | steven.gubler@sovrin.org |
Sukalpo Mitra | Palo-IT | smitra@palo-it.com |
Matt Raffel | Kiva | mattr@kiva.org |
Daniel Bluhm | Sovrin Foundation | daniel.bluhm@sovrin.org |
Ibrahim El Rhezzali | Linux Foundation | ibrahim.el@pm.me |
Drummond Reed | Evernym & Sovrin Foundation | drummond.reed@evernym.com |
Ken Ebert | Sovrin Foundation | ken@sovrin.org |
Andrey Kononykhin | DSR Corporation | andrey.kononykhin@dsr-corporation.com |
Mike Lodder | Sovrin Foundation | mike@sovrin.org |
Annoyome Labs | smccown@anonyome.com | |
Evernym | richard.esplin@evernym.com | |
- BC Gov is interested in formally collaborating with groups with working Mobile Agents. Expected signing of MOU by August 6, 2019
- From the #aries channel: The folks from the BC gov VON (https://vonx.io) team, would like to share an opportunity with members of open communities to work with us to do some focused collaboration around mobile agent, Aries agents and aries-cloudagent-python interoperability. We have a pilot production service planned for a significant professional accreditation organization within our province coming up in the fall. This pilot has a requirement for mobile agents to be able to hold and offer verifiable credentials issued and verified by services operating instances of aries-cloudagent-python. Details are in this Open Collaboration MOU: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GPZ4p4zM36AN3DcHJ13s_IisSrT4F3S0
- Other Announcements
Working Group Reports
- Hyperledger Indy Richard Esplin
- Indy Node Release decentralization improvements - Author vs Endorser
- Payment improvements
- LibVCX no longer dependent on Agency
- Semantics WG Ken Ebert
- Indy/Aries SDK Split - Conversations are ongoing in Aries WG Morning Call
- Discussions to improve architecture to make it easier for contributions without dropping functionality
- Hyperledger Aries
- OIDC - Open ID Connect; Different approaches to integration. Mattr Global creating self-contained IdP for IAM Platform. More conversations today in DIF at 1PM EDT
- RFC Standards Work - Many RFCs in proposed state; adjustments to improve flow, see where implementations are to drive acceptance.
- Lab-n-learn with Drummond Reed in Victoria Wednesday Aug. 7
- ACA-Py - Version 0.3.0 release this week to PyPI, tag in repo. Bug fixes, changes to Command line structure with subcommands, better control in credential issuance to handle errors.
- Production release of Indy Catalyst coming soon
- Tooling and Testing
- #aries channel on chat.hyperledger.org
- Weekly meetings with agendas and recordings.
- Hyperledger Ursa Mike Lodder
- Anoncreds 2.0, what Ursa 1.0 looks like on the agenda for next weeks call
- Ursa call is every other week at 8 am Mountain. See #ursa on Rocket.Chat, mailing list, and github.
- Sovrin Network updates and extensions
- Test Tokens for public writes, TAA on Staging and Builder Nets
- Governance Frameworks and Trust Architecture Drummond Reed
- Announcing four Sovrin Governance Framework WG Task Forces - Guardianship, Domain-Specific Governance Frameworks, SSI for IoT, Business of SSI
- GDPR, CCPA, Other legislation and Sovrin - diagram (this is not online yet but will be added along with all the revised legal docs to the Sovrin Governance Framework)
- W3C Verifiable Credentials and DID updates Ken Ebert & Drummond Reed
- The W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model has published CR2 to correct errors with regard to JWT proof methods. In about 3 weeks we expect to move to PR. Work is focused on final polish to the test suite, implementation guide.
- The credentials community group (CCG) has been incubating the DID specification.
- The charter for a DID WG has been submitted to produce a standards-track specification. There is a weekly call on Thursday afternoons to move that spec forward (under the CCG).
- DID Spec
- DID Resolution Spec
- DID Spec Weekly Call meeting page (Thursdays 1-2:30PM PM Pacific Time)
- Interop and External updates Dmitri Zagidulin
- The Solid project has started an External Interop and Outreach Panel, and is interested in working towards interop with Aries and other hub projects
- Digital Bazaar is working on the Secure Data Hub paper for rebooting web of trust, collaboration with Aries could be helpful
- Dialogue with the My Data community (https://mydata2019.org/) should be continued
- We should reach out to the MaidSAFE community (https://safenetwork.tech/), they're building a peer-to-peer protocol and agents
- Hyperledger and DIF co-published a paper about how Hubs and Agents work together.
- Other WGs or projects?
Meeting Logistics
Next meeting two weeks from today, 2019-08-15. (Need to update Hyperledger Calendar)
How does this call relate to the main Identity WG call?
- higher level and conceptual work on Weds
- lower level and technical detail on this call
- GitLab CI/CD: Indy-SDK migration status and demonstration - Former user (Deleted)
- https://gitlab.com/stevegoob/indy-sdk/pipelines/74195354
- GitLab issue that needs further investigation:
- Docs:
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/merge_request_pipelines/index.html#requirements-and-limitations
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/merge_request_pipelines/#important-notes-about-merge-requests-from-forked-projects
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/merge_request_pipelines/pipelines_for_merged_results/index.html#requirements-and-limitations
- And some related issues:
- Docs:
- Roadmap coordination between projects?
- Open Discussion
Next Meeting Topics
- Roadmap Coordination between projects?
- Performance testing in Indy
Future Topics
Action items
- Update the Hyperledger calendar meeting invitation to be every other week.
Call Recording