Identity Working Group

Identity Working Group

Note that the group recently rebranded as the Identity Special Interest Group and the main page for their wiki has changed.  This page for the Identity Working Group has been archived and is being preserved to prevent links to this page from breaking.  Check out the new Identity Special Group page for the latest details for the group.
DescriptionThe purpose of the Identity Working Group is to discuss, research, and document ways to capture, store, transmit and use Identities on the DLT, specifically for the projects in the Hyperledger greenhouse. The Identities can be of nodes that participate in the running of the DLT or entities that transact on the DLT.


Link to the charter.


The scope is limited to the various lifecycle events and use of Identity needed to securely participate in the Hyperledger Project DLT implementations.  We host a series of presentations on the Identity aspects of blockchain implementations in Hyperledger projects.

In scope is the dissemination of information on various pure Identity projects like Indy and Aries. Also in scope are efforts to launch such projects in Hyperledger  or create identity labs in Hyperledger labs.

The Hyperledger Implementer's  calls track implementations in the various implementation tracks: Indy, Aries and others. 

We are also keyed into the wider Identity ecosystem, globally. Standards work around Identity is also reported on; specifically we track the Verifiable Credential Group,  DIF, TOIP and W3C DID specification.

In addition, we are working on a whitepaper on Identity, 

How to Get Involved

The working group calls have presentations from the coalface of Identity related work happening globally and healthy discussions around it. All intere sted people are welcome and we ask that you introduce yourself including why you are on the call and how you can help.

We are working on an Identity WG Paper draft. Any contributions to this are also welcome.

Meeting Notes

  • 2022-08-03Identity in the Metaverse: Vipin Bharathan (dlt.nyc) 
  • 2022-04-13eIDAS 2.0 Compliant Digital Wallet Demo: Stephane Mouy (SGM consulting) & Michael Adams (Quali-sign) with remarks by Roland Faure CEO Aersurete
  • 2022-02-16Microledgers: A presentation by Robert Mitwicki of the Human Colossus Foundation
  • 2022-01-19
  • 2021-06-23

All Meeting Notes


All Hyperledger meetings are covered by the Antitrust Policy.

This working group hosts two meetings. See the Calendar of Public Meetings for the next meeting and dial in details.

The main meeting is a teleconference bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 9 AM Pacific, alternating with the Architecture WG meetings. The zoom channel is https://zoom.us/j/4034983298?pwd=STZQd0xMZU9xRVVOVnpQM3JNQ2dqZz09

The secondary meeting is the Identity Implementers WG Call.

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Agendas have been merged with the notes from June 26th, 2019.

Communication Channels

These are the mechanisms that this working group uses to communicate.

Mailing List


Chat Channel


Links to Sponsored Work or Presentations



Agents and Hubs

Links to External Resources

Active Members

Luca BoldrinInfocert
Daniel HardmanEvernym
Steve MagennisIndependent
Stephane MouyIndependent KYC consultant
Stan LibermanCME
Sze WongLand rights in Zambia
Vipin Bharathandlt.nyc
Ajay Jadhavayanworks
Greg TuckerLuxsoft
Jim WowchukHealth Digital Associates
Drummond ReedSovrin Trust Framework/ TOIP
Andres "Dre" BonifacioSymPact
Nitin AgarwalGio
Todd GehrkeLuxoft
Kelly CooperIndependent
Jim MasonDMX
Nathan GeorgeSovrin
Randy ZhangCisco
Ravi AgrawalInfosys
Kalyan KulkarniAyanWorks
Learning Economy Fndn
Daniel BachenheimerAccenture
Red Hat
Kamlesh NagwareSnapper Future Tech
Mizuho (Views Independent)

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