Calls at 12 noon EST and 9 pm EST (4 pm UTC and +1 01:00 UTC)
- Anti-Trust
- Introduce new members (only those who wish to introduce themselves)
- Updates for the TSC
- Current state of the paper- contributions from Cem K
- Roadmap towards an Agent 2 Agent protocol from the Indy perspective
There are numerous HIPEs that relate to this topic. Some of the key ones include:
https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/f12c422213b19e4181cdd288671afe2218f82e2c/text/protocols/README.md - DiD Schemas to be covered by Jim Wowchuk at the 9 pm. EST meeting (at 01:00 UTC)
- DiD and related standards- basic layers - naming convention, discovery and resolution.
- What is a universal resolver? Demo of universal resolver by DiF. A more detailed explanation from github.
- Interaction between Legacy systems and SSI (DPKI and DKMS)
- Convergence of solutions (DiF, Solid and others), how they affect us
- Layer 2 Identity protocols (for privacy of data and meta-data) and scale
- Digital Wallets and their importance for Identity Management