Project Plan - Cacti Polkadot connector

Project Plan - Cacti Polkadot connector


Creation of polkadot connector plugin, alongside its cactus-polkadot-all-in-one docker image (hosting a sample polkadot ledger for testing purposes) and the test-tooling package for the AIO


NameTime zoneDiscord IDEmail ID
Peter SomogyvariUSpeter_somogyvaripeter.somogyvari@accenture.com
Jagpreet Singh SasanISTaxetacularjagpreet.singh.sasan@accenture.com
Suvajit SarkarISTssark#4224suvajit.sarkar@accenture.com


NameTime zoneDiscord IDEmail ID
Anmol BansalISTanmolbansalanmolbansal1807@gmail.com

Communication channel:  Discord+ Github

Project repo: https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti


  • Creation of polkadot connector
  • Creation of polkadot all in one docker image
  • Creation of polkadot test tooling classes
  • Documentation, architecture reference diagrams for the polkadot connector

Merged PR's

  • TBD

Final Project Presentation:

  • TBD


Eval 1:

  • The cacti polkadot all in one images to be created and running

Eval 2:

  • Connector code to be ready

Eval 3:

  • Test cases with prometheus integration

Eval 4:

  • Approval of PR with all the relevant code and documentation




Jun 12 - Jun 26Mentee intro with the mentor. Decision on the progress of the connectorCompleted
Jun 27 - Jul 10Understanding of the current work done for polkadot in #1997 PRCompleted

Jul 11 - Jul 24

Upgrade the existing AIO to latest version of Polkadot - phase 1 (AIO)Completed
Jul 25 - Aug 7 (Jul 28 eval)Upgrade the existing AIO to latest version of Polkadot - phase 2 (test-tooling)Completed
Aug 8 - Aug 21Update the connector code for the new version - phase 1Completed

Aug 22 - Sep 4 (Aug 31 eval)

Update the connector code for the new version - phase 2Completed
Sep 5 - Sep 18Update the test cases for the new version - phase 1Completed
Sep 19 - Oct 2Update the test cases for the new version - phase 2Completed
Oct 3 - Oct 16Prometheus Integration with the connector code and test casesCompleted
Oct 16 - Oct 30 (Oct 20 eval)Architecture reference diagrams of the connectorCompleted
Oct 31 - Nov 6Documentation of the connector, creation of PRCompleted
Nov 7 - Nov 30 (Nov 30 eval)Blogpost creation and PR mergeIn Progress


  • Understand cacti codebase and the supplychain example (to understand what functionalities is generally expected from a connector)
  • Understand a single connector (like besu connector) and its development lifecycle (how the connector is gradually created by first having its dockerised AIO, then its test tooling, then generation of code using a master openapi spec file, and then wiring up everything alongside the creation of the main connector class and finally having the connector README docs)
  • Creation of polkadot AIO image (part1)
  • COMMIT - 1: Creation of polkadot AIO image (part2) (this will take up time, thus dividing into 2 parts)
  • COMMIT - 2: Creation of polkadot test tooling
  • Creation of polkadot connector openapi specs, basic test case and connector class with base functions (part 1)
  • COMMIT - 3: Creation of polkadot connector openapi specs, basic test case and connector class with base functions (part 2) (This will take up significant time, thus dividing into 2 parts)
  • Updation of the openapi specs, test cases and addition of the rest of the code as per the requirements observed in commit 3 test cases (part 1)
  • COMMIT - 4; Updation of the openapi specs, test cases and addition of the rest of the code as per the requirements observed in commit 3 test cases (part 2) (this will take up the most time, thus dividing into 2 parts)
  • COMMIT - 5: Creation of README.md for the connector plugin and architecture reference diagrams
  • Creation of PR with the 5 progressive commits and incorporation of review comments
  • Creation of final presentation/demo to showcase the work done in this project

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