2021.12.08 General Meeting Agenda

2021.12.08 General Meeting Agenda


Mike McCoy

Mike Pica

Mahesh Balan

Adrian Gropper

Ben Taylor

Christian Raimondo

Doug Bulliet

Elisabeth Green

Erika Beerbower

Guillermo Diaz

John Hatchell

Jordon Ritchie

Nathan Odotei

Rick Jones

Varsha Raj



  • If you’re new to the group, please…

    • Introduce yourself

    • Tell us where you're geographically located

    • Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific

    • Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory

    • Questions? Review our HC-SIG FAQ for answers

HC-SIG & Community Announcements

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Industry News, Research Group Action Items

  • US Dept of Veteran Affairs: Requests vendors for BC solutions that include "provider credentialing and privileging"
  • Masinde Muliro University / Immunify Life: Clinical research if tokens rewards can improve HIV patient outcomes in Africa
  • BIMODI Molecular Diagnostics: The use of blockchain technology to avoid falsification of paternity tests
  • MAPay / Verida: Launch Decentralized Healthcare Payment Network on Algorand
  • dHealth Network: Adds Roche as Supernode Validator | Adds Health-to-Earn Rewards via Strava
  • St. Jude's Children's Hospital: Accepting Crypto Donations
  • Cornell: Understanding Security Issues in the NFT Ecosystem
  • University of Chicago: Economic Differences in Distributed Databases to Blockchains
    • "The main difference between blockchains and distributed databases is that in blockchains the validating nodes are independent entities maximizing their own payoff when deciding whether to follow protocol or misbehave.

      In a new paper with Zhiguo He and Jiasun Li, we characterize conditions when a consensus can be reached in such an environment with payoff-maximizing validators. We show that the ``old’’ equilibrium of distributed databases still holds, but it’s fragile. Instead, there are other equilibria, which may result in indifferences in designs of blockchains and distributed databases."
  • University of Basel: Land Valuation in the Blockchain-Based Metaverse

Educational Nuggets