2021.08.04 LFPH Presentation
2021.08.04 LFPH Presentation
Jenny Wanger
Mike McCoy
Mike Pica
David Trotter
Wendy Charles
Bear Simerson
Praveen Pandu
Raveesh Dewan
Elisabeth Green
Madhu Bhatia
Community Announcements
Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?
Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv
HC-SIG Subgroup Updates
Patient/Member Subgroup (Deniz Coskun, Lead)
Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)
Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)
HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates
- Ask me how to join the Blockchain in Healthcare Telegram Group
- To hear from industry experts in podcast form, check out Ray Dogum's HealthUnchained Podcast
Join the Linux Foundation Public Health Forum Conversations
New Business
- Open Forum
Next Meeting
New Meeting Time: Scheduled for WEDNESDAY, 2021.08.18, 1000 Eastern Time
Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
, multiple selections available,