2021.07.07 IntellectEU & DAML Presentation
2021.07.07 IntellectEU & DAML Presentation
Community Announcements
Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?
Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv
HC-SIG Subgroup Updates
Patient/Member Subgroup (Deniz Coskun, Lead)
Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)
Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)
HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates
- Ask me how to join the Blockchain in Healthcare Telegram Group
- To hear from industry experts in podcast form, check out Ray Dogum's HealthUnchained Podcast
Join the Linux Foundation Public Health Forum Conversations
New Business
- Open Forum
Next Meeting
New Meeting Time: Scheduled for WEDNESDAY, 2021.07.21, 1000 Eastern Time
Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
, multiple selections available,