

Note that we will not be sending out an issue of the /dev/weekly newsletter next week due to the Thanksgiving holidays in the US.  We'll be following up the week after with a new issue of the newsletter.

Code & Projects

Hyperledger Cacti

In case you missed it, check out the recording of the Atomic Cross-Ledger Transactions Between Besu & Corda Ledgers using Hyperledger Cacti v2 workshop.  The presenters will demonstrate how to create, test and demo an application from scratch using the second major release of the Hyperledger Cacti blockchain interoperability framework and the Harmonia lab.

Noteworthy Pull Requests

Articles, Training & Tutorials

For anyone interested in how blockchain is being used to create Central Bank Digital Currencies) check out a recent blog post about The Case for Open Development as the Foundation for Central Bank Digital Currencies.  Developing a new form of currency means, at a minimum, adding a layer to the payment ecosystem and often creating a whole new one. And, while it is a sovereign currency, it must work in a global economy as well. That’s no easy undertaking.  Open development and open innovation helps make this possible.


Check out these upcoming virtual Hyperledger meetups and feel free to join any of them that look interesting.  And if you'd like to present at a Hyperledger meetup, feel free to reach out and we'll be happy to help organize a new event.

You can find more Hyperledger calls and other events listed on the community calendar.

This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.

  • @TBD add announcements, code & projects, articles, training & tutorials, events
  • Arun .S.M. add noteworthy pull requests
  • Arun .S.M. review code & projects
  • @TBD review code & projects
  • @TBD create the next newsletter and update the link