Save US$250 with early bird pricing for in-person registration for SustainabilityCon at Open Source Summit North America, happening May 10-12 in Vancouver, Canada. Pricing increases on April 23. We're also offering 20% off of tickets to Hyperledger community members – use code OSSNA23SUSTAIN at registration. There are several Hyperledger related talks at SustainabilityCon and this is a great opportunity to learn how blockchain is being used to address climate change and other sustainability challenges. And your ticket will also give you access to all 15 micro-conferences covering the most important technologies + topics in open source today, including: Linux Systems, AI, Security, OSPOs, Community Leadership, Cloud, Containers, Diversity, Metaverse, and MORE
Code & Projects
Hyperledger Fabric
Learn how Hyperledger Fabric can help build central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) at a hands-on technical workshop run by blockchain developers from Banque de France and IBM Research on Tuesday, April 25 at 7 AM pacific
Hyperledger FireFly
- If you missed the recent technical workshop about Using Hyperledger FireFly to Launch an NFT Collection on Public Chains the recording of the workshop and the workshop guide are both available. If you have any questions about the workshop, join the #firefly-workshop channel on Hyperledger's Discord server.
Noteworthy Pull Requests
Articles, Training & Tutorials
You can find more Hyperledger calls and other events listed on the community calendar.
This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.