2023-01-30 Peer Programming Call
2023-01-30 Peer Programming Call
- Review of Oil and Gas methane flaring data
- Use data/oil_and_gas/download.sh to download the data set and data/loadOGdata.sh to load the data into postgresql. See data/oil_and_gas/README.md
Oil_and_Natural_Gas_Wells.geojson is a file from the US government of owner and locations of all wells in the US
- VIIRS_* are VIIRS emissions data with volumes of flared gas based on their locations. This is facility data which can be linked to the operator (company) through Oil_and_Natural_Gas_Wells.geojson
- Sustainability.com data set is a study of the aggregate flaring by company.
- To view the data, run the client server in app/methane. See its README.md file.
- Use data/oil_and_gas/download.sh to download the data set and data/loadOGdata.sh to load the data into postgresql. See data/oil_and_gas/README.md
- Review of Oil and Gas methane flaring data
Video recording of the call:
- Monday at 09 AM Pacific
- Add Climate Action and Accounting SIG calls to your calendar
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- From computer: https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
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