2023-01-16 Peer Programming Call
2023-01-16 Peer Programming Call
- Introduction to transportation emissions project by Dimitrios Kourtesis from Ideas Forward.
- They are using the Vehicle Emissions Consumption calculation TOol (VECTO) as a model to calculate the real time emission footprint of freight vehicles.
- Evaluating ways to exchange the output of VECTO (GHG emissions) across a freight dispatch network without exposing sensitive inputs used by the model (fuel consumption, total distance/route travelled, ...)
- Discussed how they could deploy a solution using the blockchain-carbon-accounting projects Fabric emissions data channel.
- Elizabeth Green raised question about using EIP-5484. A new standard introduced for minting Soul Bound token: tokens that can’t be transferred, but can be burned based on a predetermined immutable burn authorization.
- Asked whether this feature was supported by the ERC-1155 multi-token standard used by NET and the CarbonTracker contracts.
- Soulbound tokens are not supported by default in 1155. The contract can be customized for such features. E.g., Audited Emission Tokens TokenTypeId=3 are burnt be default once minted.
Video recording of the call:
- Monday at 09 AM Pacific
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