CA2 SIG - Meeting June 29

CA2 SIG - Meeting June 29


  • Welcome new members, including new member introductions
  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
    • Consumer Disclosure WG
    • Carbon Accounting WG
    • Standards WG
    • Climate Research WG 
      • Voluntary Carbon Offsets Directory Research Project Update - Can SIG members help us with outreach?
  • Open discussion: How can blockchain help companies with better CSR goal reporting? -a question that came up at the Hyperledger Global Forum
  • Open discussion: diversity and inclusion project.
  • Break-out rooms (time and interest permitting)

Recording: 20210629 CASIG Call Recording

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Meeting Notes 

  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
    • Carbon Accounting WG
      • Good progress with mentorship programs (especially Cactus mentorship)
      • A demo of the offline signing of transactions with the Hyperledger Fabric SDK will be given in the next Peer Programm Call on Monday, July 05
    • Standards WG
      • Christiaan Pauw reaches out to Interwork Alliance to explore opportunities for collaboration
      • The landing page of the wiki of the Standards WG will be updated with a link to the most recent work
    • Climate Research WG 
      • Voluntary Carbon Offsets Directory Research Project Update - Can SIG members help us with outreach?
        • Next step: Interview stakeholders
          • Issuer and carbon offset project developer
          • standard bodies (e.g. Gold Standard, VERRA, etc.)
          • Brokers
          • End-User (Major corporations)
        • The group is looking for more participation
        • Currently working on a peer-review paper. Help is needed and wanted. Everyone involved will be listed as an active contributor to the paper
  • lussherpresented a project she is currently working on with students. The goal is to build an App that enables personal carbon accounting with features like a barcode scanner that calculates the carbon footprint of a product (e.g banana) and accounts for the emission into a personal carbon budget
  • Open discussion: How can blockchain help companies with better CSR goal reporting? -a question that came up at the Hyperledger Global Forum
    • Use blockchain to cover all SDG (general purpose vs. carbon only)
    • Woody Moore and Robin Klemens want to build a business case for blockchain-enabled CSR reporting and create a project page on the wiki
      • Hypothesis: A blockchain-based system for CSR reporting allows corporations to save money and increases corporations attractiveness to their customers (soft facts) 
    • Alex Aroffered to provide some information about CSR reporting (e.g. power usage for data centers)
  • Open discussion: diversity and inclusion project.
    • General agreement that the best way to improve diversity is by providing opportunity for diverse stakeholders to work on projects that can provide experience that can improve professional development.
    • Strong opportunity to leverage CSR Reporting project to enable community members to take on projects with companies (especially around the development of smart contracts for all of the MRV work that will be included).