fabric-sdk-node: romance of commits

Session Topic or Project

  • tell old stories of insight, concern and decision beneath each noticeable commit.
  • discussion those legacy and future of nodejs SDK

Session Leader

David Liu

Time Slots and Spaces

Table 1, 1:00PM - 3:30PM,  8 March

Experience Level of Participants


Session Language

Cantonese, English

Programming Language(s)

  • C / C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Other

Other Prerequisites

Strong knowledge of Nodejs

Understanding of Fabric workflow

For potential contributor, requirement and tutorial in https://github.com/guoger/hyperledger-contribution-guideline

a google account

laptop with MacOS or Ubuntu.

The Plan

The Goals

  • takes the fear out of fabric-sdk-node

Software to Install Before

docker tool set, docker-composer, nodejs 8.x, fabric images in-advance

Special Equipment Required

A screen, David will bring it from upper floor